100 pounds to lose



  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    Feel free to add me! Initial weight loss goal was 100 lbs, I've lost 11 lbs so far....89 more to go!
  • BabeMeister83
    BabeMeister83 Posts: 56 Member
    Count me in I have about 110 to lose.
  • Kawaiidesu808
    Kawaiidesu808 Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in girl! I support you all the way! So far I've dropped 55lbs and have another 20 more to go! Lets get it done!
  • MORen98
    MORen98 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All! I've lost almost 50lbs since restarting this journey 6.23.16. I started out well. Had a hiccup in October and am still finding it hard to lose consistently as I did for the first 3 months. Any who... I have 106 more to meet my goal. Help!
  • sammib929
    sammib929 Posts: 13 Member
    I am right there with you! I started at 242 and would also like to reach a 100 lb loss. I am trying to focus on 10lbs at a time right now because 100 feels almost impossible. Feel free to add me!
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm looking to lose another 100! I'm down almost 70 lbs now.
  • blesslady52
    blesslady52 Posts: 20 Member
    srutter96 wrote: »
    I'm 241 looking to drop a solid 100 pounds. I'd love a motivation/accountability buddy. Who's in?

    I am with you I need to loss 100 pounds to
  • blesslady52
    blesslady52 Posts: 20 Member
    I just had the lapband done and it hard but I well keep pushing
  • druwan92
    druwan92 Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in, I'm also planning to lose 100lbs!
  • beachlovertam
    beachlovertam Posts: 7 Member
    druwan92 wrote: »
    Count me in, I'm also planning to lose 100lbs!

    I like how this is worded ... planning ... sounds so much more "sure" than "want to" .... going to change my own wording to "planning to lose" ...
  • teepuppylove
    teepuppylove Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 31 down, 100-110 to go. Feel free to add me- I'd love to have more people walking beside me on this journey.
  • SMGMama3
    SMGMama3 Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in as well!!! I have somewhere between 70-100 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • 17sem
    17sem Posts: 15 Member
    I start today - please feel free to add me .... I'm starting at 210 lb and want to get to 127lb ........ great to feel encouraged by others and hopefully encourage too :)
  • jtru30
    jtru30 Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in!! That's my goal too! I'm currently 245 lbs. If anyone needs an encouragement buddy, feel free to add me so that we can cheer each other on!! Let's do this! <3<3<3
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    10 down, 110 to go!
  • bearcapps
    bearcapps Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in, I am down 75 pounds with about 88 to go.
  • I'm in! I need to lose 100!
  • dragonfly1999
    dragonfly1999 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! I'm working to focus on small numbers (5 lbs at a time), but if I step back & look at the whole picture, the number is well over 100 (which freaks me out). I could really use support & connections (not feeling it in real life right now), so I'm happy to find you all!
  • hellosweety78
    hellosweety78 Posts: 2 Member

    I would like to join also. I'm 38 approaching 39 with at least 100 pounds to lose. I have two children that I want to get healthy for to be sure I am around in their lives for a long time. I'm addicted to food however and need motivation. I also need easy family friendly meal suggestions to get myself started.