
So I've been going to the gym and trying to diet since the end of March. I've lost, according to the scale, 28 pounds in this time. However, what I'm struggling with so much is that you can't really tell just by looking at me. My boyfriend suggested doing time lapse photos from month to month, but this just feels stressful. I don't understand how the scale is dropping so much, but I don't look or feel like I am. Help anyone? Advise?


  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    What about inches, have you taken measurements? I have been stuck at my current weight for months but I am losing inches.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I'm the same way. 25 lbs down and still in the same size clothes and everything. Just keep at it. You never know another 5-10 pounds could be the difference maker. But pictures really do help I suggest taking them.
  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
    I have to agree with your boyfriend.
    Somethimes since you look at the mirror every day you don't see any difference,
    But when you start taking pictures you will be amazed of the difference.
    You should try it.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Keep at it. We didn't get overwieght in a few days, weeks, or months. It took time. It will take time to take it off as well. Buck up, keep going, you'll make it, as long as you don't quit.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I've lost 40, and most days I still don't see it. Although I know my clothes that I have from before are big, and I have had to buy smaller pants and bras. I think it just takes some time for the brain to catch up with the body. You'll get there!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Are your clothes fitting differently? If taking photos is too stressful, try taking monthly measurements. Did you have clothes that were too small that now fit?

    Congratulations on losing 28 lbs. That's a toddler!
  • give it time!!! ur loosing thats the best news ever!! just keep up what ur doing and you will see results... sometimes you may feel bloated, or your not paying close attention to your clothes... one method that works for me is measuring yourself 1x a month... It shows you where exactly you are loosing your weight!! keep it up!!
  • hellhammer
    hellhammer Posts: 45
    Maybe your brain is losing weight OMG!! just kidding , but seriously yeah just dont look yourself in the mirror i used to stare at myself and all my default for 5 mins 70 times a day and that a big demotivator and you dont see the upgrades , keep on, rock the fat!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Take those pictures. You'll be surprised at the difference you see. You look at yourself in the mirror everyday and it's hard to notice changes in your body over time. I wasn't seeing much of a difference and then a friend took a picture of me. I was surprised at how different I looked compared to pictures taken 6 month to a year before.
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    Have you been taking measurements to see results in that? Do your clothes fit looser?? It's hard to tell yourself since you see yourself everyday but you should start to notice little things like that. You just have to pay attention & make note of things, like feeling some signs of a waist, fitting in chairs better, being able to handle exercising longer, so on & so on. Sometimes compliments from others also helps but they don't always feel comfortable mentioning things so you have to be your own cheering squad & notice those little changes:-)
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Are you tall? I'm 5'11 and can't notice a physical difference until I've lost at least 30 lbs
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I wear smaller clothes, and I can see the difference, but noone else (except my husband) seems to notice. 23lb lost and noone at work says a thing. It's probably mostly because I used to wear drapy clothes to hide my hips, and now I don't.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    First, congrats on losing 28 lbs! :D

    Think of it in terms of percentage of your overall starting bodyweight. 28 lbs is a significant amount of weight, yes, but it may be a relatively small percentage of your starting bodyweight, making it hard to appreciate just how much you've accomplished when looking in the mirror. Someone on MFP once compared it to a roll of paper towels: if you rip 5 sheets of a full roll, it doesn't look like much; if you rip 5 sheets off a roll that's only 1/4 full, it looks like more even though you're still removing 5 sheets.

    If you havn't been doing so, try keeping track of your measurements as well. It's difficult for us to notice changes in the mirror simply becuse we see ourselves every day. But measurements don't lie and can be very motivating. Pictures can also help, although I would have rather died than taken a picture at the beginning. Now I wish I had!
  • ywolfie
    ywolfie Posts: 76 Member
    Listen to your boyfriend. I totally felt the same way a couple weeks ago. I am doing all this work, being so mindful of what I eat and I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. I just so happened to take a picture the first day I started and when I looked at that picture and looked at myself in the mirror, it blew my mind! Trust me. If you're following a meal plan, watching your caloric intake and working out, you're making positive changes, whether you see it or not. Keep it up!
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    count on non-scale victories to get you through. i've lost 26 lbs, some before mfp, and its not that noticable to others. but to me: i feel better by the thousands! i fit better in my clothes, some are just too big! my endurance is high! and i generally like my new lifestyle! don't worry too much about the scale, 28 lbs is a great victory! keep up the good work.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have to agree with your boyfriend.
    Somethimes since you look at the mirror every day you don't see any difference,
    But when you start taking pictures you will be amazed of the difference.
    You should try it.

    I agree^
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I understand the feeling. I have been at this about as long, and am down 22 lbs, and I can't see it either. I am hoping to at least be in a size smaller pants when I hit 30, to keep me on track!
  • Wow thanks everyone, i honestly hadn't expected so many of you to respond so quickly. I guess I should just take the pics and get it over with. Unfortunatly, my clothes really haven't change yet, maybe my jeans a little. As for height, i'm only 5'2" on a good day. But thanks for the support and I'm definitly still gonna keep working at it :) And congrats to everyone as well, you all seem to be doing awesome with your own weight loss :)
  • Also, how do the measurments work? I've never really grasped that concept. Where do I measure?