Wii Zumba

dulcy Posts: 69 Member
This is SO good! Fun, easy to follow & a great calorie burner!

Never before have I done an exercise dvd/class & thought "I can't wait to do it again' Not that I think I could right now!! It's a proper work out. I could feel my muscles burning!! Well worth the £20 :o)

That's all!:laugh:


  • sazlewis
    sazlewis Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :)

    I wasn't sure if it'd be any good!! Have you been to a Zumba class before?
    I might just brave the weather and go out and buy it today!!

    Does it show you how many calories you've burnt??
  • i bought this for my daughter a couple of months ago, I have been to zumba class before and it is great fun, do you know how many calories it burns, not sure if to class it as aerobics or dancing???
  • MsMadmagic
    MsMadmagic Posts: 66
    I :heart: my Wii Zumba.
    I log my 40 minute sessions as Dance and that give me 300 or so calories but In one of these threads there is a zumba calorie calculator. I swim when I can but on the days I don't I do this or Wii step depending on how energetic I feel:laugh:
  • I was so tempted to buy that! But i wasnt sure if it'd be like the wii fit where you have to work out for 6 hours to burn 100 calories!! But the zumba classes around this area are sooo expensive...
  • buffyfan28
    buffyfan28 Posts: 20
    I love my Wii Zumba its a much higher calorie burn than Wii Fit and i am drenched after 2 20 minute classes. The music is great also, Honestly its like having a good old dance rather than exercising.
    Totally worth the cost. It doesnt give you an amount of calories youve burned but i use a Heart Rate monitor and average around 400 for 40 minutes.
    I cant rave enough about it all my weight has come off from my middle too which people say is the hardest place to shift.
  • buffyfan28
    buffyfan28 Posts: 20
    This site gives you a good idea based on your weight , time exercising and the intensity of your workout of how many calories you will burn doing Zumba.
    Hope this helps
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not alone then!!:wink:
    I was worried about lack of space as our lounge is quite small but I managed it with my 2 daughters joining in as well!

    I was advised to log it under aerobic high impact. Found it better than any wii fit game.
    I could feel which muscles I was using, and it includes arms and a warm down and water breaks!! I Love it!:love: (can you tell?):laugh:
  • sazlewis
    sazlewis Posts: 5 Member
    OMG!!! I bought it and did 20 mins last night!! AMAZING!! It's so much fun and the sweat was dripping off me!! It really is a good workout!!

    Thanks to the OP for inspiring me to get it!!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I bought it on Saturday and have used it every night bar last night (as i had done badminton and a 30 minute run!). I absolutely love it, i use to perform on stage before the group stopped so its my way of getting back into dancing without having to fork out for classes!

    £25 well spent in my eyes!! I've only done the single player nightclub section which is 4 minute dances and you get points...i'm intreigued of where you get the 20 minute ones so i'll have to have a nosey tonight...if i can get two 20 minute sessions in this evening hopefully that will help for my weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I don't have the wii game, but I do have the DVDs!
    I love my 20-minute express one.
    I do it every single morning.
    I can't live without it!
    It's great to get me awake and active.
    Plus I really feel like it's working my middle.
    And I definitely need to shed some weight off these hips! Haha.

    Go Zumba!! [;
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I have this - I've done it twice. I really like it, just wish I was more coordinated. :laugh: I used my HRM last nite and burned 309 calories doing 20 min of zumba and 10 min of Wii Fit Strength.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I have this - I've done it twice. I really like it, just wish I was more coordinated. :laugh: I used my HRM last nite and burned 309 calories doing 20 min of zumba and 10 min of Wii Fit Strength.

    wow didn't realise it was that high a calorie burner :o) Can't wait for my HRM to arrive and start using it, at the moment i'm not eating my exercise calories incase it over estimates!
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    :frown: I want Zumba but I do not have a Wii... Do they sell Zumba for PS3?:heart:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I`ve had the wii zumba since april and LOVE it and I`m pretty sure they are coming out with a zumba party 2 for the wii this fall and I will be buying it as well. Its so fun and my girls can join in and dance with me totaly helps when you have kids and still want/need to work out :)
  • Is the wii zumba really high impact? I've had a knee replacement and have to limit impact exercise. Getting tired
    of my bike and eliptical.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I've been thinking about this but wasn't sure how I would like it. I guess after these reviews, I may have to get it! Thanks!!
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    I just bought mine and did it twice now. I had my HRM on and it said I burned 300 calories in 20 minutes. I believe it. I was dripping with sweat! It's fun too. I just need to get a lot more coordinated, but moving is moving right?
  • moochyesh
    moochyesh Posts: 37 Member
    YES they have it for ps3 i have it and i love it =]