Hello there...

Hello there, I'm new to the program, joined on my cell, and now logged in on the actual website. I joined about 3 days ago and I really want some friends on here to support and vice versa.

I'm 25, almost 26, and I want to lose about 40pounds, I think that's a great start and that I would feel so much better without all the extra weight on me. I've been battling the pounds for the majority of my life and its time that I fully got it off and kept it off.

A bit about me...I love Anime, Manga, Movies, Books, and most of all God and my wonderful husband! Fav books are Young Adult: Fiction & Romance (ie Twilight, HP, HoN, Mortal Instruments, Immortals, etc).

Want to be friends?



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Welcome, you'll love this site! Feel free to add me!!
  • bdjda
    bdjda Posts: 1
    Hello Kia, I'm new to this also and hoping to lose 40+ pounds and reaching 50 years old. I've lost 7 lbs in just a few weeks of starting this website. I have found that logging my food daily is the key for me. I love that I can pick and choose what I want to eat based on what MY goals are and the tracking of my daily calories, fats and carbs. I'm finding out that low carbs is the key to me losing the pounds. I've been trying to eat "healthy" for the past couple of years but have only maintained my current weight. Even tried the gym thing. I felt better but the wieght still hung on. My coach, my daughter-in-law, introduced me to myfitnesspal a few weeks ago and she set my goals for low carbs. I also found out that i was actually NOT eating enough calories to lose weight! I know that sounds crazy, but since listening to her and increasing my calories to 1600, I'm losing weight. Some days I still find it hard to reach the 1600. I have to work on that. I'm so excited right now I want to have everyone join and help me watch my progress..... I have not looked at this as another "diet", but a really cool way to reach the calories I need a day while watching the carbs.
    I would be happy to be friends with you and share my recipes and daily logs and would love the support and ideas you have. You are young and I know you can and will do well to lose the weight you want.
    I first thought that logging in what I ate a day would be difficult and "would I really want to include EVERYTHING? or would I omit the bad stuff " ? Well, I have been totally honest about my daily logs since starting and find it very easy to log the foods. This website has the best search engines for finding the foods and their data. And not restricting myself of those cravings that we all have is great. I know I can eat what I want as long as I stay within my goal ranges. Sometimes I will log in a food to just see what the nutritional value is, and if its not going to fit into my goals then its easy to say "you know what? I don't need that. What else can choose instead".
    So good luck and know you have a friend here in Texas willing to help and support you in any way.. find me under bdjda

    Beth (bdjda) :smile:
  • texgrl76
    texgrl76 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd like to set my goals to low carbs, too. How do you do that?

    By the way, I'm happy to hear you're losing weight!

  • Wow thanks so much! I love all the support and this program seems great, I find it wonderful to be able to easily log in my phone and input my meals and food intake, therefore it helps me to be more accountable and thoughtful for my decisions.