Personal Trainer

Ok amazing fitness pal people I have some questions. I've been working out on my own a few months now but not getting what I want. I am thinking of using a personal trainer. Is it worth the money? How often should I work with one? Do you find working with same sex better? Should I do it at a gym or home? Any and all info helpful.........GO


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    First of all, what have you been doing for your "working out" so far and what are your goals? It could be that you just need advice on something more effective and to give it more than a few months.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I invested in a trainer after a few years of lifting on my own. The one I have is worth it, but I know many trainers who are absolutely not worth the money. My trainer happens to be the opposite sex, but I don't care about gender at all because a trainer is about knowledge. I don't see how having an in home trainer would be effective for most goals.
  • rollerjog
    rollerjog Posts: 154 Member
    personal trainers cost money per hour, if your going to get one ask him what back ground has in the field, ask lots of questions and make sure they know what there doing and talking about before you make that step, there is a lot of good free info out there on the inter web you have to search for it, you said your not getting the results you want before you go get a trainer, i would make sure your measuring your food out, and try to make little adjustments before you run out and get a trainer, little adjustments may get you moving forward again, good luck
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I work with a PT a couple of times a week, we do a lot of full body interval/circuit work, she pushes me far beyond what I could push myself and for me the sessions are worth every penny. She also instructs several classes including Zumba, Insanity and Boxercise, that are all high intensity and exudes energy. I went to the classes first then the PT so I knew what I was getting and that I got on with her.
    There are a couple of other PTs at the gym I attend and from watching them I know that I couldn't work with them (one is just too nice and the other is a prick), luckily the actual gym owner works with me on form for my lifting and I get on alright with him.
    Everyone is different and will need a different approach, so ask around, have a face to face meeting with the PT, nothing worse than trying to train with someone that just gets on your nerves.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Is it worth the money? For me - YES! I need someone to push me and show me what to do

    How often should I work with one? I only go once or twice a week - but I do other classes 4 other days during the week

    Do you find working with same sex better? Personally, no. I've gone to a few females - some are too easy, one was crazy bubbly, the last one I went to never asked me a single question about anything (goals, my diet, what I wanted to achieve, etc).

    Should I do it at a gym or home? I have no idea what they'd do if they came to my home. I only own like 3 lb weights - I guess I could do heavy lifting with my purse - it is a lot more heavy than that - LOL! In the gym for me.

  • SuperFitRich
    SuperFitRich Posts: 29 Member
    Trainers are worth the money as long as you find one you trust and has your goals in mind. I am a trainer and always put my clients needs and goals as priority. Sex of a trainer does not matter as long as they keep it professional. If it gets awkward get away!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Ok amazing fitness pal people I have some questions. I've been working out on my own a few months now but not getting what I want. I am thinking of using a personal trainer. Is it worth the money? How often should I work with one? Do you find working with same sex better? Should I do it at a gym or home? Any and all info helpful.........GO

    First of all, what does "not getting what I want" mean? What are you trying to achieve? What do you think a trainer will do for you?

    I love my trainer...I don't work with him one on one so much anymore but he still provides me with a lot of feed back as well as programming. I started with him a couple of years ago and had some very specific things I wanted to accomplish and learn. As sex goes, I don't think it really matters...knowledge is what matters. I have also trained with my trainer's wife in his absence. I worked with my trainer once per week for some time and then every other week for awhile.

    Keep in mind that a trainer can only guide you and teach you...and they will likely push you more than you would push yourself in the gym. But it's still up to you to put in the work and to keep your diet in check.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Like everyone has asked, what are your goals? Do you want to lift? Do you want to start running? Having a goal in mind will help lessen the likelihood of wasting money.

    You'll also probably have to shop around a few times. I've tried 4 or 5 trainers before finding one who was willing/able to teach me Olympic style weightlifting. My current trainer is absolutely worth the money. When we stop our training, I'll be able to continue lifting on my own b/c she taught me the fundamentals and always hammers and critiques my form for me. She's constantly giving form feedback. I feel confident with my lifts b/c of her.
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    Make sure you discuss your goals with your trainer. See if you can get a free or discounted trial session. I have worked with 2 trainers - both opposite sex (male). The first one was nice but didn't push me hard enough. The one I am with now pushed me from session one and got me to my first goals quickly. He is pretty much my complete opposite (super fit, young military guy) but he is perfect for me. I see him twice a week.
  • debbiedavis1965
    debbiedavis1965 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to get in shape so I can lift. I'd love to try and get into some type of bodybuilding. I do walk and do an ab tape. Tried weights a while ago and hurt myself so going at it slow. Sounds like trainer is what I need. Thanks all!