Rewards after goals reached...



  • atla_moves
    atla_moves Posts: 54
    Personally, I don't think we all "got ourselves this way." A lot of weight problems (and self-esteem issues) have to do with a combination of upbringing and society.

    For instance, a couple of days ago I asked my mom to list everything she'd eaten in the past 3 days. Not a single serving of vegetables graced her list, though she did have watermelon once during those three days. Otherwise, all refined grains and meat. That is how I was raised, and that plays into my weight problem. It's not easy to lose weight when you grew up on bagels, mac & cheese, and burgers. Now, I do have a little bit of an advantage because I LOVE to cook (something my mom never did), so I'm more open minded and have developed a taste for some veggies. But it took 3 months of vegetarianism to get to where I enjoy vegetables enough (A LOT!) so that I can have meat in my diet while still eating enough veggies. 3 months of vegetarianism so that I can do this the healthy way? Hard work. Deserving of a reward.

    And by society, I mostly mean the food industry. Other stuff as well, but let's focus on that. Firstly, it's extremely expensive to buy genuine whole, natural foods. No additives, no HFCS, grass-fed beef, as unprocessed as possible. I do not have a lot of money, and we sacrifice a great deal so that we can buy whole, natural foods. Organic and/or local vegetables and meat. As far as breads, I mostly make them myself. A lot of money, and a lot of work. And some people, no matter what they sacrifice, won't be able to afford that.

    It is not atypical for an average American's meal to be a large whopper combo, and that alone would be my daily calorie intake. But since it's not atypical, it' is easy to do without thinking about it. Restaurant servings sizes are WAY OUT OF CONTROL. And so many of us were raised to "clean our plates."

    I usually try to make sure I don't have to eat out, but sometimes something unexpected comes up and it's inevitable. Like I mentioned, I don't have a lot of money. It's so much easier to spend $1 on a junior bacon cheeseburger than $3.50 on a 6" turkey sub. Why is poor quality, fatty beef so cheap when vegetables are so expensive? Because our government subsidizes meat (and corn) production. Yes, our government is paying to keep us fat and unhealthy.

    Yes, we can eat healthy. And we can eat less. But for most of us, it is not something we have been taught to do. We have not been taught that food is fuel, but rather.. that food is comfort. So, to eat healthy and eat less, we have to make a conscious choice every day. Every meal. Every snack. And it is hard work. Even if your reward is nothing more than a pat on the back, reward yourself. You've earned it.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Hmmm, mine is more like a birthday present than a reward. I turn 35 in a little over 6 months and I'm planning a big birthday party. If (when I say that I actually mean when) I reach my goal weight by my birthday, my hubby is taking me on a shopping spree. :) Don't get me wrong, even if I didn't make my goal by then he'd still take me BUT I don't want it unless I feel I've earned it and plan to stay that size. If I'm not where I want to be by then I see no point in wasting money on clothes that won't fit in a couple months.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I buy myself new exercise clothing or equipment whenever I need a reward. I like feeling good about myself whilst working out, not to mention it gives me a push to continue doing it - as I would feel guilty about it just sitting in a cupboard unused and unloved :/
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Once I got to a weight I was happy with, I treated myself to a new perfume (one I had been wanting for a while).

    New clothes aren't so much a reward as they are a necessity once the old ones start falling off. I haven't bought many yet, mostly keeping the old pants up with a belt! LOL
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    A cruise to the bahamas in the spring! I'm so excited! I'm hoping to be 100% bikini ready by then.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I want to do something nice for myself every 10 pounds. Things I've always wanted but have never done...
    10 ~ a pedicure/manicure (only a half a pound away)
    20 ~ a facial
    30 ~ a massage
    40 ~ a "promise" ring (a promise to myself... to love myself)
    50 ~ a big ol' butterfly tattoo on my back
    60 ~ NEW CLOTHES!

    I LOVE the promise ring idea!
  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    1) New Clothes & Bikini
    2) New Tattoo
    3) complete full make-over :-)

    cant wait im so excited
    i been looking online at cocktail dresses and bikini that i would like to wear when i lose all the weight :-)
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I'm kind of obsessed with tattoos . . . and my mother knows this . . . so when I started seriously looking to lose weight, she offered me a deal. She said she would pay for my tattoos -- even the really big ones! So I get a half sleeve at 50 lbs, a leg piece at 75 lbs, and a back piece at 100 lbs.

    I'm so excited!!
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    I'm getting my first (tiny) tattoo at my half way goal and a pair of Louboutins for my big goal!

    i have a pavlovian drool reaction at the mention of louboutins:blushing:

    I have the exact same response!!
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    You all are making me want to get a tattoo for the first time but my husband would not be happy. I know if I lost all 95Ibs he would be though! lol
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Wow where's all the other guys at?

    Probably because their 'rewards' are just as shallow as mine...

    I mean, my only real goal at this point is achieving the six pack... and well... I'll let the rewards come to me at that point ;)
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    i have my side tattoo all planned out but i wont get it until i am at goal.. also, of course some new clothes!
  • I'm joining the Shoe of the Month Club when I reach my final goal but my midpoint goal is a weekend at the lake with some friends!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    A massage. A long, relaxing, luxurious massage. 5 more lbs to go :)

    That sounds like really a good one. I have to keep that in my mind to do that someday.
  • mrudzinski
    mrudzinski Posts: 17 Member
    I hit my 20 pound/ half way mark last week. I rewarded myself with 2 new under armour work out- outfits, a gym bag, and weights!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Some new running shoes!

    Might seem smarter to invest in new shoes now to help me with the journey....but once I get to my goal weight I will need motivation to keep up with the running regularly, so new shoes then!!
  • texgrl76
    texgrl76 Posts: 13 Member
    New clothes! There are some styles that are so cute, but they don't look right on my big body :(
  • completely off topic but while reading this thread the ad banner on top was for an italian meats pizza from papa johns lol:laugh:
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    lol, that is HILARIOUS!!!! They are advertising on the wrong site!
  • New running gear!
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