Out of house, out of mind?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited February 2017
    I've lost a lot of weight, and never had a problem until recently. I could have boxes of cookies or trays of brownies and moderate just fine when I was in the middle of my weight loss.

    But something has happened to me here at the end, I don't know what, and I'm struggling with certain foods (and not others). So I don't keep them in the house. I'm fortunate in that I have celiac disease and my versions of cookies and brownies and whatnot need to be different than those my family enjoys.

    Every now and then I get myself a single serving size of something from the grocery store if I really want it, but most often I stick to whipping up things like mug cakes or single serving protein cookies or brownies. I can keep things like chocolate chips and nuts around for those without eating them just fine (and toppings like Hershey's caramel and chocolate syrups).

    When I get to maintenance, I want to employ a strategy similar to the one outlined by nutmegoreo upthread. I'm working through a CBT approach to learning to moderate right now.

  • vaman
    vaman Posts: 253 Member
    Yep! I'm a better abstainer than i am a moderator. There are certain foods that i love way too much which are banned from my house.

    I will still eat them, but very infrequently. For me, it is out of sight, out of mind. If i know there's a pack of peanut butter cups in my fridge i wont have just one, but i'll scarf down the whole pack! My justification for this is the sooner i eat them, the sooner they'll be out of the house and will quit tormenting me :wink:

    Peanut butter cups or just plain PB in a jar is my Kryptonite, if it's not in the house I don't have a craving for it, but if any is nearby, it calls my name and I can't resist. ;)
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    There are certain things that we do not keep in the house. An example would be packages of chocolate chip cookies. The whole container would probably be gone in a day (between all of us, mostly myself and my husband). I used to not want to keep cans of soda in the house, but I've gotten better with that over time.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    Does keeping things like cookies and chips out of the house help you with not over eating them? Once I start eating them I can never stop at the one serving. And when I have a healthier choice to eat I always think about the cookies hiding in the closet. Next thing I know I'm splurging on them! Does any one avoid keeping foods in the house that cause you to splurge? I'm not planning on cutting these out completely but I've been having a such hard time with self control and mindless eating. I think having these foods in the house is setting myself up for failure. I'll eat them out of just plain boredom or stress. Or no reason at all! I'd love to eat everything in moderation but so far I've been failing miserably trying to do so. Any suggestions?

    Is there anyone who lives with you that can help, such as a husband, parent or roommate? I sometimes, for example, buy chips, portion them out in baggies and put them away or have my boyfriend put something away for me and only give me a specific amount, only when I ask or only once a day, etc.
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    I've always had the rule that junk is not allowed in my home. My brother and his wife would come over, TRY to raid my pantry and fridge, then tell my mom that I had no food in the house for my kids and I to eat. They were used to the average household filled with chips and snack cakes and sodas. Or juices and packaged frozen meals in the fridge. If you wanted to eat in my house, you had to cook. I was a 100 lbs skinnier then. When they moved in, all that went to he11 in a hand basket. I know my weaknesses. I can't have it around me. Because my kids grew up from the start never getting to munch and snack, they don't. They don't feel that compulsion because they weren't raised that way. I at least accomplished that before my system was destroyed.