Around 15 pounds to lose anyone?

saigal Posts: 14 Member

So I've been on MFP for a while, although I have not been very active with it. I am a 23 years old have about 15 pounds to lose and am really ready to focus this time. I would love to become friends with people who have similar weight loss goals!


  • MsNiss
    MsNiss Posts: 57
    Hey saigal! I'm looking to lose about 15 more pounds. I'm on this site a lot so I'd be happy to help out with encouragement. Feel free to add me :)
  • ultimatecutie
    ultimatecutie Posts: 11 Member
    Me too! I'm also in this group: "Can't seem to lose the last 10-15 = Team up for success" that has weekly weigh ins and weekly challenges to help us reach our goals :)
  • i am 27 and i have lost 10lbs and 13 to go!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    hiii i got 20 to go and they are very stubborn, nice you meet ya
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    That's what I am looking to lose 15-20, add me if you like!!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I think I've got about 13 to go, though I haven't changed my ticker to reflect it yet (I'm re-evaluating at 143 pounds). Feel free to add me! :D
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    I've got about 15 ish lbs to loose, always happy to have a new friend or two!! feel free to add me if you want to!
  • salleem
    salleem Posts: 6 Member
    Can I be the old lady of the group. I'm 32 and have about 10 to go (I may make that 15 but I don't know right now).
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    I'll join the challenge!
  • hayley11021982
    hayley11021982 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey!! I'm looking to lose around the same as you. I'm new to this site, but very addicted!!!! Feel free to add me if you want x
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member

    i still have about 14-15lbs to lose so am always looking for pals x
  • amyjoja
    amyjoja Posts: 1
    My goal is 18 lbs. I am a Stay at Home Mom and don't get out much. I have started walking in my apartment as much as possible. I will walk, jog in place and walk jog around the apartment. I throw in some squats and other strength exercises. I have been on here a while but just started taking it seriously yesterday. So far I feel good but I am a big pop drinker and I also eat when bored so i am struggling with that. Good Luck.
  • Shells77
    Shells77 Posts: 22
    Same here. I have to lose around 15 pounds or so, as well, to reach my goal.

    Add me if you wish and good luck on your goal!!
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Welcome, I also want 2 loose 10 more pounds! We can do this together:smile: We all here help each other!!!!! Its a great site!!!
  • newdanifit
    newdanifit Posts: 7 Member
    I'm looking for 20 lbs but I can pretend it's only 15. new here.

  • Nefertiti31
    Nefertiti31 Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I'm 144 (more or less since I weighted myself yesterday and I was 139) and have the goal of losing 20 pounds. As a mother of two children (3 anf 4) and never trying to lose the weight then, I finally decided that I want to be healthier for them and get the figure I had in high school back. So I'm joining the 20 pound clique!
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Hi! I'm Dee, and I also used to be an on again-off again user, but this summer I'm hoping to stay active on MFP throughout the entire year, and so far so good.
    I've lost 6 pounds so far...and 17 more to go!
    Stay strong and focused- you can do this! :D
  • sue567
    sue567 Posts: 128
    Hey Girl.....
    way to go ... i have to lose 20pouds but yeah i gotta lose 13 pounds ;)
  • Devani34
    Devani34 Posts: 48 Member
    hi!!! Please to meet you. I'm new myself and hope to lose these hateful 10lbs ASAP. Feel free to add me. :bigsmile:
  • RoseBudd85
    RoseBudd85 Posts: 49
    That's what I have to loose! I'm petite (4'11) so I have no where to hide the extra weight. I'm trying to cut a lot of carbs and sugars and getting into a ROUTINE of working out. I get bored easily so that's a struggle for me.