Early morning workout

I have struggled with weight for a long time now. Started the insanity workouts a couple years ago and had good results. Then a year ago stopped working out and started down unhealthy eating path, again. This was due to busy life with kids more active in sports. No more time in evenings to work out anymore. Tried working out first thing in the morning right when i would wake up. Found this extremely hard and would start shaking. This was due to an empty stomach. I did not like this feeling and stopped working out. Now, i want to start working out again. Mornings when i wake up are my only option before i go to work. I will be doing insanity because liked my results from last time. Should i snack before bed to have something in my fuel tank for the morning even though i thought snacking before bed was bad? If so, what type of snack?


  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    I would definitely make sure I eat a nice size snack and dinner the night before. The only concern I would have is starting into the Insanity. How long has it been since you've worked out in the morning? If it's been a while, the exercise may be too intense to start off with and coupled with your fasted state, may be the reason you're feeling bad. I would suggest starting out by getting accustomed to waking in the morning and doing about 30 mins of something, whether it's walking on the treadmill, lifting weights, etc. After your body has adjusted to waking early and functioning throughout the day, then add in Insanity or whatever exercise you want to do. HTH.