Is it really possible to only eat 1200cal per day?



  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    There are tons of people here that do it ... I personalyl cant/ wont do it ... I feel like Im always hungry :( Im learning to somewhat ignore it lol Start with bigger goals ... if your use to eating 2500 a day the cut down to 2000. Start small and work your way up :) Goodluck add me if you like
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    It is possible. But depending on what you're eating at the moment, you might need to change drasticly your eating habits. Eating out will be hard (very hard), you'll have to give up all the proccessed food, you'll have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you'll have to cut lots of fat (butter, dessert and so on) and carbs and you'll have to portion size. But it's a process and knowing what we actually eat and what we pu into our bodies is an important knowledge. My first advice would be to cook. My second one is to workout (you can then earn some calories back). You might also want to change your goals and start at 1500 cals for a couple of days/weeks. Good luck!
  • kpflughoeft
    kpflughoeft Posts: 3 Member
    I am supposed to eat only 1200 calories per day too. If I go over, I end up doing exercise to put me back under that 1200 mark. It's either eat less or exercise more. The more you exercise...:smile: the more you can eat. :smile:
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Never eat less than 1200 a day or you'll be ravenous the next day. I stay under 1670 a day (anything more and I won't loose any weight) but I can quite easily stay around the 1200 mark now, in fact I find myself adding snacks to take me up to it. Which is brilliant. It's very hard at first and I wa so hungry! You've just got to want it and push through. Drink lots of water and moderate your portion sizes, that's what cut mine down drastically. I started eating real 1 person portions. I used a little plate rather than big dinner plates, you can't fit more than 300 cals on those if you eat none junk. I can fit 700cals on a big plate easily (pasta filling a big plate is nearly 700cals, my chicken, baked beans and potatos on a big plate was 500cals!) but it simply won't fit on a small plate and because it's so full it looks like a lot too.
  • liztorto
    liztorto Posts: 6 Member
    i think you need to listen to your body so if 1200 cals is making you feel sluggish, eat a little more. Also, how much are you trying to lose per week? If it's 2 pounds the program will probably tell you 1200 cals if you only need to lose 1 pound per week, it you might clock 1400 cals.

    If your goal is to stick with the 1200 cal pr day - Working out will help keep hunger away though too and drinking water or other water based drinks like sugar free iced tea will help fill you up. Also eat lean protein and fill up on fiber (veggies and fruit). These are lower in calories and you can get more bang for your buck.

    good luck!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    It's possible but it definitely takes some getting used to and a lot of dietary changes.

    And if your goal is set to 1200 you pretty much have to eat all of your exercise calories back to avoid a plateau.

    I would suggest re evaluating your setting. If the site gave you 1200 the you probably plugged in a goal of 2 lbs per week with your activity level as sedentary.

    And really unless you are sitting behind a desk or a computer all day you can probably get away with bumping up to lightly active or moderately active.

    I think I have mine set to 1.5 a week and lightly active since I'm on my feet at my job and I get 1500 a day which, unless I eat bad food is more than enough and I eat back a good portion of my exercise calories and lately the weight has been melting off, like 1.5 - 2 lbs a week even with a cheat meal here and there.
  • flockofseagulls
    flockofseagulls Posts: 2 Member
    I am @ 1200 a day, and sometime, I am under by 100.... but I can say for me, the first 2 weeks are the hardest. logging in the food,serving sizes, the calories and facts. But you will get a schedule going, breakfast, snacks, lunch, sanck, dinner and you will be amazed at what you can eat, and not be starving. Like the others say, check out the diaries, you will get an idea of things to eat and try. If your a fan of fruit, have it as a snack. Fresh Veggies are great for dinner.
  • GJMiller
    GJMiller Posts: 2
    It is challenging at first but now I have trouble some days completing 1200! I love to eat and so eat lots of vegetables that are low calorie and fresh fruit. I seldom feel really hungry when except when I let too many hours pass without eating something. I try to eat 3 meals and a couple of small snacks each day. You can do it!
  • 92102727
    92102727 Posts: 1
    how do you look at other people's food diaries for ideas?
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    ... I was like, am I really a pig? I can easily eat 1500cal perday.

    I'm sure you're not a pig, or anything like a pig. (Actually, I suspect that real pigs aren't "pigs" either, not in the sense of being natural overeaters.) It's kind of a matter of what you get used to. A few months ago, I don't know how many daily calories I was eating (since I didn't track food then), but from the rate at which I was gaining weight, I suspect it was north of 3500 cal/day.

    I believe the 1200 cal/day that MFP is saying you should eat is NET calories. Be sure to track your exercise along with your food. Unless you're doing nothing at all, I bet you get more than 1200/day to eat, when your exercise is taken into account.

    Myself, I'm being advised by a nutritionist, who instructed me to eat 1800 cal/day, total, and to exercise the way I told her I do ... which comes out to 1200 - 1400 per day, net. Of course, I'm not just tracking calories, as she also gave me explicit maximums on fat grams, carb grams, and (loosely) on protein.

    Activity is key. Some days I don't quite make it even to 1200/day, total ... and I mostly don't feel hungry. Give it a chance ... you can do it!
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    My calorie limit is 1800 based on the info inputted when I joined up. I''m trying to put weight on. I eat the majority of my calories and have recently started to do a little bit of excercise to buy some more. Depends what you eat.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    If you're still really hungry, try varying your diet, and eating foods that will fill you up, rather than just use up empty calories.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Add me and look at my diary (It may help to look at others people's diaries too) to see how I eat my 1200 calories. I have to admit I didn't feel hungry after the first few days but I had started to make changes to my eating habits prior to joining MFP. It might help you to start with a higher calorie intake and then gradually reduce it, but I do believe you will get used to it in no time. I have been eating 1200 calories for about 5 weeks now and some days I can even have a glass of wine. Also if you exercise you get to eat the calories you burn- bonus!!!!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • fionamacf
    fionamacf Posts: 39
    When I started low fat yogurts and carrots helped. Stick with it and exercise - I've used walking. It let's you eat more and makes it realistic. If you know you have something coming up - do some exercise and get those calories in the can.. Good luck.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,048 Member
    More vegetables. I have a hard time getting to 1200 (I'm supposed to be at 1300). You can also "buy" calories by exercising.

    Me too. I gained weight from undereating.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    how do you look at other people's food diaries for ideas?

    Add them as a friend and if they have allowed theyr diary to be visible to friend u can see what they eat. Add me if u like
  • bieque
    bieque Posts: 13
    I'm struggling to get up to 1200 net calories per problem was under eating as I estimated that the food I was eating contained more calories than they actually do. Then when I add in my exercise, I'm usually under my calories by about 300 each day but can't stuff anymore food in as I'm stuffed. I've lost 4 lbs so far, but seem to lose a few, then regain 1 and then lose them again. I want to lose another 5 lbs, so it's frustrating.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    From what I've seen and heard here on MFP, everyone starts out with a 1200 calorie limit. Depending on how much you currently weigh and your activity level, you may need a higher calorie limit. I changed mine when I started because I have been on maintenance for a few years and should be eating about 1600-1700 calories a day or more due to my activity level. I weigh 122#, but am pretty active. When I started on this journey I weighed205# and was on the old Slim Fast Optima program. I started out at something like 1800 calories. I lost at a good pace and became more active as I went along. Some days now I eat 1500 or more calories and some days 1200 or a little under. Veggies don't have alot of calories, so I get full on them and my calories are low. I am usually more hungry the next day then. You have to find what works for you, but maybe up your calorie limit.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I find it really hard to stick to 1200 so I exercise every day and eat around 1400 which seems to work ok. The more you burn, the more you can eat. So get walking and working out :bigsmile:
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Yeah, it's very possible but sometimes it takes time to get used to a lower intake. My first couple months on here I ate 1100-1200 cals every day; now I eat more, with the exception of certain days or moods. Eating lean protein can help you stay full with a lower amount of calories. The times I eat around that I'm usually eating tuna, egg whites, chicken, vegetables, peanut butter, unsalted pretzels, etc. And at least 12 cups of water. The water *really* helps to curb my intake.