What are your calories set at and exercise per day and how do you stay under your goals

MFP assigned in 1200 per day. I'm trying to keep a good deficit of at least 100 per day, but for me, who is not a super clean, cook three meals a day, only eat healthy foods person, I'm having to spend about1.5 to 2 hours per day working out to stay at or near 1100. I'm trying to loose 15 pounds, probably ultimately 20. Before starting this I worked out about an hour 4 times a week, but realized after charting calories I was eating AT LEAST 2000 a day and often close to 3000 on days where meals out, office parties involving cake, or beer/chips and queso were involved, which has resulted in a twelve pound weight gain over the last ten or so years. I know that's not much, but realizing I can no longer zip my College shorts means I need to get a handle on it.

So after this long story, what do you eat or do to stay under your goals? I don't eat Meat or Eggs. I don't like bread. Seriously. I love cheese, Olives, Nuts, Beans, Setian, Tofu, vegetarian foods with cheese, all veggies, all fruits, any thing super hot and spicy and chips and crackers.


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    If MFP set your goals for you, then the deficit is already built in from when it asked you how much weight you want to lose a week. So, keeping a 100 calories deficit on top of that is not really what you are supposed to do.

    It sounds like you don't really understand how MFP works and your goals are too aggressive because you are wanting fast results. You can eat whatever food you want as long as you stick to your calorie goals, so no need to cut out anything you like and only eat "clean" whatever that means...

    Here is what I would recommend -
    Go through the goals thing on MFP again. Set the activity level to sedentary and set your goal at 1 lb/wk. Log your food and log any intentional exercise you do. Eat whatever food you like until your "Calories Remaining" is zero.

    You will lose weight.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    1200 INCLUDES your deficit before exercise. It's your goal to eat AT 1200.....not to eat under. 1200 is a default minimum based on nutritional guidelines. 1200 is one size fits all. If you are extremely sedentary, elderly, or very petite it should be okay.

    "Clean" eating has many definitions. It's not necessary for weight loss. Should we eat better during weight loss? Yes, we should make improvements. But, we don't need to be perfect. Not being perfect with our food choices helps us learn about portions for all foods....not just "diet" foods.

    My goal is 1400 including exercise. I don't exercise a ton (about the same as I expect to continue for a lifetime). Exercise is a lifestyle change for me also. My goal is 1400 because my job is rather sedentary.....and I'm old. It's not 1400 because I am trying to lose quickly. Quick weight loss often means a higher % of lean muscle loss, I can't afford that at my age. Besides, gaining the muscle back is eating at a surplus & really hard work.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited February 2017
    I eat about 1800 per day on average. Some days are really light (0-1000) and some days are really high (2500+). I wouldn't stick to low calories every day. Sometimes I just like a really big meal. The kind of meal that comes in courses and is served with good wine. I had to learn to incorporate these into my life without going over. Fasting for a day, or eating very low calories a couple of days a week does the trick for me.

    Edit: forgot about exercise. That's all over the place too. We have a small farm so I'm pretty active outside formal exercise, but in Winter I have to make a point to exercise (hence my username). I bought a Total Gym and workout on that several days a week. Plus, I do step aerobics, walk, hike and shoot hoops when weather permits. Occasionally I'll pop in a Zumba DVD or just turn on some music and dance around the house.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited February 2017
    First off, what do you have your weight loss goal set to? 2 pounds a week is my guess? If you have 15-20 pounds to lose, change it to 1 pound MAX. That should increase your daily calories.

    Next, the # that MFP tells you to eat includes your deficit already. You don't need to cut lower than that.

    I pretty much eat what I want, but factor in calories and my nutritional needs. Personally I'm aiming for about 1400-1500 per day right now. Last night's dinner was spaghetti squash with sauce and parmesan cheese, shrimp sauteed in a little olive oil and seasonings, and asparagus. ~280 calories and very filling. Having leftovers/repeat for lunch today.
  • TreesOfYavanna
    TreesOfYavanna Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in a pretty similar boat as you, I think. I never worried much about my weight in the past -- seemed like I could eat whatever and I pretty much stayed the same size.

    Then I discovered I had celiac disease.

    Three years later, I'm much healthier from that, but I'm definitely fatter. I'm trying to get ahead of it before it gets too much worse. Like you, I think I want to lose around 15 pounds. I started just after New Year's and I'm down 7 pounds as of this morning! I'm trying to do 1200 cal/day, and admittedly I'm maybe not exactly hitting that since I'm not weighing everything, but I'm definitely eating less and I was shocked to realize that I really was eating way too many calories before. So I'm trying to recalibrate myself -- my appetite and my awareness of how much and what to eat. I am also incorporating cardio and strength training -- the strength training to keep from losing too much lean muscle mass while I'm trying to cut down, or maybe just to build some up at all! I used to exercise a lot before my diagnosis (long story but I had a bit of a breakdown), so it's good to get back to it.

    The app will tell you if you need to eat a little more (like on my cardio days) and how much. You shouldn't target below that amount, because it's keeping track of what you need to do to hit your goals (so that you don't have to!).

    In these past couple of months, I haven't noticed much of a difference in my clothing yet, but I have noticed that stairs are easier, that getting up from the floor is easier, that I have more energy and stamina, and I'm a little shocked at how unfit I was getting before. I have a pair of bad knees, so maintaining a healthy weight is pretty critical there as well so as not to overstress them.

    So yeah, I'd say this thing seems pretty effective so far, just do what it recommends and stick to it! I'll be doing the same!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    catmomfat wrote: »
    MFP assigned in 1200 per day. I'm trying to keep a good deficit of at least 100 per day, but for me, who is not a super clean, cook three meals a day, only eat healthy foods person, I'm having to spend about1.5 to 2 hours per day working out to stay at or near 1100. I'm trying to loose 15 pounds, probably ultimately 20. Before starting this I worked out about an hour 4 times a week, but realized after charting calories I was eating AT LEAST 2000 a day and often close to 3000 on days where meals out, office parties involving cake, or beer/chips and queso were involved, which has resulted in a twelve pound weight gain over the last ten or so years. I know that's not much, but realizing I can no longer zip my College shorts means I need to get a handle on it.

    So after this long story, what do you eat or do to stay under your goals? I don't eat Meat or Eggs. I don't like bread. Seriously. I love cheese, Olives, Nuts, Beans, Setian, Tofu, vegetarian foods with cheese, all veggies, all fruits, any thing super hot and spicy and chips and crackers.

    If you were eating more than 2000 calories/day (and often close to 3000 calories/day) before and only gaining 1 pound per year, dropping to 1200 is beyond overkill.

    Those numbers mean you were maintaining your weight on at least 2000 calories/day. The gains can pretty clearly be attributed to the "almost 3000 calories days" since it would only take 4 of them per year to justify gaining 1 pound/year if you maintained on 2000 calories/day.

    So... if you can maintain your weight on 2000 calories/day (minimum) and you don't have a lot of weight to lose, you want a maximum deficit of 500 calories/day - which corresponds to losing 1 pound/week. At a healthy (or very slightly higher than healthy) weight, that's as fast as your body can lose fat without digging into muscle mass.

    So... you should be aiming for at least 1500 calories/day. From what you've said, I'd personally start you at a more conservative 1750 calories/day (which corresponds to half a pound loss per week if you were maintaining on 2000; that was likely an underestimate - so 1750 is likely a bigger deficit than that).

    Now... The math I did was based on total calories burned so it already factors in your exercise calories since I was using your eating history to do it. If you're actually eating 1750 calories/day *total*, you're probably eating at the right level for healthy weight loss for you. Unless you're losing weight faster than 1 pound/week. If you are, raise the calories until you slow down to that level.

    Others have already noted that your calorie goal is a target not a maximum; a few days slightly over and a few days slightly under would be considered normal.

    To answer your second question, I aim for about 2200 calories/day to lose just under 1 pound/week. (I should probably really adjust that down to 2100 - but my activity level will go back up in the summer, so then I'd just have to raise it again anyway.) I eat pretty much anything I want - but I try to make healthy choices as much as possible. Breakfast is usually either almond butter on toast or eggs on toast. Weekday lunches are usually a sandwich with lots of veggies. Dinner can be anything - pasta with sauce, meat/veg/starch, frittata with kale chips, pizza with salad, sausage/perogies/veg, you name it. I try and make sure it's fairly balanced and has vegetables (and comes in below 600 calories most of the time). For snacks, I like fruit, vegetables, wasa crackers with cream cheese, homemade muffins, Greek yogurt, cheese and crackers, lunch meat, chocolate, all kinds of things.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Everyone is different and it is a lot of trial and error. However, currently I am eating on average about 1400 calories a day, I strength train for about an hour 4 times a week and do cardio (time differs depending on the cardio, I'm always switching it up) -cardio includes HIIT, Stair intervals, Treadmill incline intervals and volleyball tournaments every weekend. Right now I try not to eat back my workout calories.

    Keep trying and push forward :smile:
  • catmomfat
    catmomfat Posts: 97 Member
    Go through the goals thing on MFP again. Set the activity level to sedentary and set your goal at 1 lb/wk.

    Umm. Nurses are not sedentary
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I tend to do 1200-1400 calories during the week, and 1600-2000 during the weekend. I eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calorie goal. I dislike most fruits/veggies, so for lunch it's usually frozen chicken products/sandwiches with chips. Dinner is a range of chicken recipes/tacos/pizza/steak/eating out. I'm not hungry in the morning, so I skip breakfast and use the calories for a bigger lunch/dinner which helps me. Right now I'm exercising every day for 20-50 minutes, doing Jillian Michaels' workouts and light jogging.

    Try drinking water and eating slowly to help you go longer between eating. I've found that I'm "full" before my brain realizes this fact, so if I eat my meal and then wait 10 minutes, the "I'm still hungry" feeling goes away. Otherwise I can happily continue to eat without stopping.
  • smelliefeet
    smelliefeet Posts: 71 Member
    For the record, I'm 50 lbs overweight. About 5'4" ish 190 lbs.

    I average 1450 calories a day (weigh everything with a food scale and paying attention the cals on packaged food, which I only eat when I absolutely HAVE to), but some days I eat as low as 800 calories and some days I eat as high as 2300 calories. In all, over time, I average 1450 a day.

    I drink 3 liters of water a day (at least)

    Even though I work in front of a computer (sedentary work), I do 5 10-minute walks every day (my phone and computer alert me when its walk time), I also do 30 minutes of cardio every day and weight lifting (mostly with dumb bells and body weight exercises) 3x a week.
    I also do core exercises daily, and my core strength has progressed A LOT.

    I've been doing this for 4 months consistently and I have not lost any weight, so my trainer is asking me to keep with my plan since I am getting stronger but to see a doctor ASAP to rule any unknown issues out.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    catmomfat wrote: »
    Go through the goals thing on MFP again. Set the activity level to sedentary and set your goal at 1 lb/wk.

    Umm. Nurses are not sedentary

    You are correct - set to Lightly Active then, with that 1 lb/weekly.
    If you have family and those extra house responsibilities nights/weekends - I'll bet it's actually higher level.

    Still log intentional exercise accurately by time.

    Or follow advice above from @SusanMFindlay regarding yearly weight gain, if you are pretty sure about amount eaten on average during that time.

    Non-extreme results trumps estimates.

    And with that higher eating level, you can have a little of anything you enjoy.
    Of course if self-control problems with some items even though you get to eat them - perhaps best to skip.