Adjusting setting through plateau

Hey all!
I need some advice to get through my plateau. I started out at 209lbs end of November but have been hovering around 191lbs for 3 weeks now. My settings have been "not active" and goal was 1.5lbs loss per week though I found I was losing more like 1lb a week. I suspected this is because my Fitbit overestimates my calories burnt when horseback riding since my heart rate is elevated from both exercise and anxiety (I jump). I also have asthma which contributes to a higher exercise heart rate but normal resting heart rate (when I ride my heart rate can get to the 170's). I recently increased my riding to 4x a week from 2x. Also I'm 5'9.

I find on my riding days MFP grants me 900-1100 extra calories for an adjustment. On days I work (on my feet job) i get an extra 400-700 calories granted. That's a lot of calories. I don't even feel like I'm dieting. In fact, since I started riding even more I can't seem to eat all those calories. I probably should because I feel very tired. I find it nearly impossible to get enough protein. I've read different theories but the most common seems to suggest 1g/lb of weight. For me that's 190g!!! I'm lucky if I get half that. I'm not sure if that's part of the problem.

I recently changed my goal to 1lb/week. I'm wondering if there is other suggestions? I've been reading about cutting/bulking and caloric cycling. I've even considered just spending a week eating my maintenance calories but according to Fitbit that would be like 3000 calories!!

I also considered that since I've been riding more I've been going to the gym less and wonder if that's part of my plateau. Though based on my HR and feeling of exertion what I do beats the elliptical any day.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    How's your logging? Are you using a food scale for ALL solids? Measuring cups/spoons for ALL liquids? Using the recipe builder? Using accurate entries? I'd be pretty wary of eating back 1300 - 1800 exercise calories. That's quite a lot. A portion of them for sure but not all. For the protein it is 1g per LEAN body mass - not weigh overall. Just from my experience every plateau I have ever seen has been due to logging issues - if you're not 100% accurate work on that first before making any drastic changes.
  • supertigress007
    supertigress007 Posts: 7 Member
    How's your logging? Are you using a food scale for ALL solids? Measuring cups/spoons for ALL liquids? Using the recipe builder? Using accurate entries? I'd be pretty wary of eating back 1300 - 1800 exercise calories. That's quite a lot. A portion of them for sure but not all. For the protein it is 1g per LEAN body mass - not weigh overall. Just from my experience every plateau I have ever seen has been due to logging issues - if you're not 100% accurate work on that first before making any drastic changes.

    Hi Ready! Yes I'm using scales and measuring spoons, etc. I am eating back "exercise calories" but remember MFP is set to not active when I'm actually very active. I just thought that'd be better than relying on negative calorie adjustments on days I am not for some reason. On exercise days I am burning an average of 500 calories (I'm adjusting this number because I feel like my Fitbit overestimates and actually tells me I've been burning 750... the 500 I'm basing on what a person my weight should burn riding (5-7cal/min).

    I should add I am not riding leisurely, I ride for 60 mins with a competitive coach. I know there's a lot of misconceptions about the vigor of this sport but let me assure you it's vigorous and athletic. While I do want to continue to lose weight I'm also interested in my performance level, which is no good on too much of a deficit.

    So if it's 1g/lean lb, and I way 191 with 39%BF (according to my aria so who knows how accurate that is) do I take 61% of 191 (approx 115 g)

  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? Many people chose to eat back half or none at all, which might knock you off your plateau.
  • supertigress007
    supertigress007 Posts: 7 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? Many people chose to eat back half or none at all, which might knock you off your plateau.

    Eating back some as long as my caloric deficit was still 750 in a day. I'm actually thinking rather than having my settings at sedentary set them to active and disconnect my Fitbit. I think it overestimates. I've tried different BMR calculators and it seems 2500 calories a day should maintain my weight. Maybe the Fitbit adjustment is too variable/overestimating. Perhaps I should just stick to 2000 cal/day?
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? Many people chose to eat back half or none at all, which might knock you off your plateau.

    Eating back some as long as my caloric deficit was still 750 in a day. I'm actually thinking rather than having my settings at sedentary set them to active and disconnect my Fitbit. I think it overestimates. I've tried different BMR calculators and it seems 2500 calories a day should maintain my weight. Maybe the Fitbit adjustment is too variable/overestimating. Perhaps I should just stick to 2000 cal/day?

    Playing with the web tool, your BMR is ~1750 and maintenance is ~2000 for sedentary. Then all your extra exercise would be allocated to taking off weight. If that doesn't knock you off your plateau, just scale it back to 1900 the next week.