Is it safe to do this while pregnant?

To cut this story short… I've just found out that I'm pregnant and the doctor had confrirmed I only about 3 weeks… so I'm still in the 'danger zone' as he so lightly put it

After my first child I got to my heighest weight, and I've lost 50lbs since then, and still have another 60lbs to go for my goal weight

But my doctor wouldn't specify if it's still safe to lose weight while pregnant… especially this early in the pregnancy… all he said was "it's up to you should you wish to continue or stop"

I miscarried a few months ago but no-one can pin-point the reason why… the doctors/midwives just said it's one of those things that just can't be helped

I just want to make sure this time that this is completely safe todo while expecting… I'm currently on a 1200 cal diet each day, but obviously I'll be adding more cals on with the pregnancy

NO BASHING PLEASE!!!! I'm just generally asking for advice from someone who has been/knew someone in this situation before

Thank you in advance :)


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Yeah, I'm going to second (third? fourth?) asking for a second opinion. It's pretty bad that your doctor declined to advise you.
  • Alldaygainz
    Alldaygainz Posts: 870 Member
    @MonkeyMel21 is correct, eat at maintenance and focus on what's growing inside you. There'll always be time to lose weight after your baby is born.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm no doctor, so take this with a grain of would probably be fine with trying to lose weight for a few more months. You only really need those extra calories when the baby is bigger and "eating" what you're eating. Even then, it would probably be okay to eat at maintenance.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    you are pregnant, not dying. it's fine. i would get a better doctor though. eating healthy while pregnant is a good thing.
  • SamanthaLouiseMence
    SamanthaLouiseMence Posts: 663 Member
    Just want to point out, I'm from the uk and my local practice… we can't pick and chose our doctors, we get who's available at that time

    I will however be speaking to my midwife army first appointment for her advice also, I'm not just relying on the doctor who said that

    I'm honestly just looking for a little advice from someone what has possibly been in a similar situation :) x
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I don't think gaining weight in the first trimester is a priority. A lot of women don't gain or lose a few pounds because of morning sickness.

    I personally would put any diet on hold and just try to eat healthy. Make sure you are taking prenatals and folic acid.

    For me the best part of being pregnant was eating whatever I wanted :)
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    If you can't switch doctors, then you should see a dietitian. Don't try to lose weight while you're pregnant; even this early on. I'm sorry about your miscarriage; it's a very common experience for most women, sadly. Best of luck to you and your Baby!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    My understanding is you should be eating at maintenance in the first trimester, losing weight isn't worth it! I've also heard that watching carbs (i.e. 40% carbs a day) can help prevent diabetes.

    For what it's worth the recommendations for women not to gain more than 35lbs (or 20 if overweight) are a bit bull. I tracked my intake and worked out every day until 8 months pregnant and I still gained 45lbs (was slim to start with). My baby was born at just 6.7lbs! My best friend is a dietician and she also gained 45lbs, some women just gain more in pregnancy than others, so much of it is fluid.

    Ps - congrats!
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I just don't get this. It's like people panic when someone is pregnant. First, my doctor's rule of thumb was simply eat at maintanance the entire pregnancy. He specifically told me I did not need to add any calories in future trimesters because baby is going to take from you what he/she needs. At 50 more pounds to your goal I personally would just eat at maintenance. As you get ultrasounds, if baby is not growing as much as doc thinks they should you can always increase calories but that has never been an issue in my experience. A good friend just lost 25 pounds while pregnant and had a 10lb 7oz baby. So weight gain has not a lot to do with how many calories you're eating so much as quality.

    Second thing is - a lot of miscarriages happen as a result of low progesterone but it often gets overlooked. One miscarriage is not uncommon. Should you experience another I highly recommend you push your doctor or midwife to check your progesterone both not pregnant and especially immediately following finding out when you're pregnant. And it wouldn't hurt just to have them check it now to make sure it's where it should be for this baby.

    Whatever you decide, instinct and some common sense are not bad. Obviously follow the advice of whomever is following your pregnancy but I certainly would have no issue with your doctor telling you that continued weight loss is up to you. My doctor put a lot of emphasis on a mother's instinct and common sense. Perhaps I greatly appreciate that more after reading all of these responses.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2017
    I personally would never eat less than 1900 calories while pregnant. I'm pregnant now and am eating 2550 calories a day for a steady 1 lb a week gain (I ate around 2200/day and didn't gain in my first trimester). Your doctor should probably at least recommend a minimum calorie amount and keep you under supervision. In your first trimester though, the baby doesn't need you to eat any extra calories.

    I agree with the poster above that it's a good idea to check your progesterone. Someone I know lost their pregnancy for that exact reason.

    General rules of thumb for women who start pregnancy at a normal BMI is 0 extra calories above maintenance for the first trimester, 300 extra in the second trimester and 500 extra a day in the 3rd trimester.

    It can - under some circumstances - be safe to lose weight during pregnancy, but never without specific guidance from a medical professional on how to do that safely. I second the recommendation to see a new doctor or to see a registered dietitian (not a nutritionist).
  • SamanthaLouiseMence
    SamanthaLouiseMence Posts: 663 Member
    I get what people are saying
    But I think I should add. With my first child, I wasn't on a healthy eating plan, and I was a little over weight. I lost a lot of weight during my pregnancy, and after my son was born I gained a a lot, I'm talking 4 stone (not sure what that is in lbs) and almost 2 years later I still haven't been able to shift it all
    Also my son was 6 weeks early and wasn't growing properly inside me (this is why I'm concerned btw)
    I don't want to experience the same things - losing a lot of weight then to be told my child isn't growing properly and risk losing my baby forever is not something I would wish on anyone

    Just hoping it's something that can be prevented if I'm honest, and hoping I can still work in a healthy lifestyle aswell as carding a fulterm heathy baby x
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2017
    Not gaining enough during pregnancy can cause preterm delivery and developmental problems in the fetus... which it seems you have concerns about. So I would not try to do the same again now... For now, you have a few months to figure it out so maybe start with eating maintenance and use that time to your advantage. Good luck with your pregnancy and congrats!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    It was over 50 years ago that I was pregnant ... and I lost weight during my gestagion period. My weight did go up due to the baby but after my child was born I was 20 pounds lighter than I had been when I got pregnant. But my child was born 6 weeks early. It's important to get good nutrition, isn't it, while you are preganant ...
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Details matter. I would put heavy emphasis on nutrient dense foods and a really good prenatal vitamin (don't know if they do those in UK like they do in the US).
  • ALM0126
    ALM0126 Posts: 10 Member
    I was advised not to try to lose weight while pregnant. With my girls I found out I was pregnant about 5 weeks along and was told to stop the cardio and dieting I had been doing. To just focus on healthy choices, plenty of rest and my babies. I did go on walks when the weather was nice but I quit jogging and lifting the light weights I was doing. Focus on your baby, you will have time to lose weight once you are ready eventually.
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    What are your stats?

    How tall, age, and weight?