Anyone else taking Bata Blocker?

I have been on Bata Blockers for 4 months, in the past I would workout regularly and I always pushed myself. Now grocery shopping is a workout! I am still doing slow body sculpting workouts but I feel like so little progress is being made. And losing weight has become extra hard, a side effect my doctor warned me of. I am working on losing 28 lbs and I am supposed to reach that goal by June 22 ( Six months postpartum ) But I am lucky to lose a pound a week and it feels like I will never reach my goal.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited March 2017
    I take a Beta hasn't hindered my fitness progress nor did it hinder my weight loss.

    1ish Lb per week is solid...especially if you only have 28 Lbs to lose. Weight loss is just a relatively slow process. I think you just need to adjust your expectations...this isn't the Biggest Loser.
  • anadeliacenteno
    anadeliacenteno Posts: 16 Member
    Why are you taking beta blockers? I take them because of my heart. I am a diabetic type 1. I have had heart complication and sugar restriction for years. I have had difficulty losing weight but it's not because of beta blockers. I learned in my years of research and as a dieter/exerciser the following: I don;t eat carbs, such as bread, flour etc. I eat only good carbs such as fruits and veggies. I don't fry anything. I grill it or bake it. I don'y eat after 7:00 p.m. I eat a lot of protein but I eat red meat only once in a while. I keep tight control of my salt intake and keep tight control of my blood sugar. Yes, beta blockers are to control your blood pressure/heart etc. Yet, if you follow these simple guidelines you will lose weight. If you want more information about this lifestyle read The Beyond Diet book. It's simple to follow. You will lose weight without having to exercise. I weight-lift a lot. I am on this lifestyle; trust me, even with so many medicines that I take, I have lost weight and even gained a little bit of muscles. I hope this helps.
  • zenwildberry
    zenwildberry Posts: 9 Member
    cwolfman13- Yes my expectations of myself are very high, I am a very active person by nature and because of that I have always lost weight faster in the past. Due to my heart issues and having given birth two months ago I have had to modify my workouts and that is frustrating for me. Thank you for your comment, 1 pound a week is solid and I should be proud of that. :)