Do I really need to go join a gym?



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Do I really need to go join a gym?

    Nope ... you can buy a bicycle instead. :)

    Or a decent pair of walking shoes.
  • denziljedwards
    denziljedwards Posts: 4 Member
    1.When you state the word hate with Gym, your creating a dangerous idea and it spread in all areas to avoid things good or bad.

    2. To break this thinking pattern, you must create a " why" for your self and your your own purpose.

    3. Everyone goes to the gym for a specific goal or reason. Create your own workout plan, nobody is better because someone can lift more weights or run longer on treadmill etc.

    4. We all have been where you are, and we all can testify, when we put our health first, our lives are just that much better the day before.

    5. I challenged you today to call professional health coach, that can be a guidance for you; and lead you on the right path.

    The Purpose
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    Not everything has to be labeled as exercise to give you a benefit. It can also be something you do for fun (like dancing, hiking, or skating). Taking a class or doing a group activity can be more fun than going to a gym. Exercise can also be something you do because it needs to be done (like yard work or walking dogs). If you don't have enough things at home to do, you can always volunteer to help someone else out. Btw, all those things are listed in the database as exercise.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited March 2017
    malibu927 wrote: »
    No you don't. You can go out for walks, do Youtube videos, buy exercise DVDs, etc.


    Anytime I've ever joined a gym I end up not going for months and losing money and then canceling it. For me, it was never having the time to go and drive somewhere, change clothes, work out, change again and drive home. Too much hassle. I have a treadmill in my garage I try to walk on and started back at every other day on it. I think walking on a trail or track somewhere is just fine.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I hate going to the gym; I get very intimidated working out around other individuals. Do I really need to re-join a gym to lose weight? Are there not workouts I can do at home that can help me lose weight?

    [1] For just losing weight, a calorie deficit is all you need... so you just have to eat less than if you were working out.
    [2] To increase your fitness level, muscle - you still don't need to join a gym..

    •CARDIO: Personally, I despise hampster wheels, so I never do cardio at the gym (not counting 5-10 minutes on the elliptical/bikes/stationary row as a warm-up before stretching then weight training). Running, cycling, hiking, roller blading, dancing will all get you a cardio workout.

    -- Most of us spend fairly little time on the specialty machines...we're mainly near the weight racks and cables .. which are easily replaced with cheaper dumbbells and resistance bands until you get stronger.
    ○ Arms/Shoulders/Back - Especially if you are not already very strong, you can get a lot of out fairly cheap dumbbells. Push-ups are a staple (you can do them at an angle against a low table until you get stronger. they also slightly work the core). Pull-ups/chin-ups (you can try these angled like with the push-ups if you can mount something low enough). You can add some resistance bands for more variety. (Think of it as you are mainly trying to replicate pushing or pulling heavy stuff possibly at different angles).
    ○ Core - Most core exercises don't require equipment. Planks. Crunches. reverse crunches.
    ○ Legs - a lot of leg exercises don't require equipment. Squats, lunges optionally with dumbbells. Can add box jumps if you purchase one of those aerobic step platform things. There are some resistance band exercises you can do.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Not necessarily the best workout (my slave driver is away so I was left to my own devices), but here's an example..
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    I dont go to the gym due to work and not having alot of extra pennies

    I do some lesley sansone 15 min mile videos and a 15 min workout plus 5/10mins with my weights 5 days a week I feel a lot better in the house doing these
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    I love going to the gym, but you don't have to. I have a hard time exercising at home(besides walking & bike riding) but I have done a few from videos from "spark people" site. There's one that you do in a chair i like also.
  • BaGoetz
    BaGoetz Posts: 4 Member
    Pinterest has many different boards for body weight workouts, getting in fast and efficient workouts at home and work, and others you can do wherever the mood strikes. A gym is convenient for all the equipment and having someone at hand who can answer questions about proper form so you do not injure yourself.

    Try body weight exercises like ritzvin shared. Planks, crunches, push ups, squats, lunges and short sprints cover almost all the large muscle groups and add in cardio. Try running up and down your stairs combined with very slow and deliberate steps up and down to really engage those large muscles and strengthen you knees. It is an awesome workout. We do this at work in the stair wells.

    Best luck!
  • JacquiH73
    JacquiH73 Posts: 124 Member
    I do calisthenics. It incorporates both cardio and strength training. No gym or equipment needed.

    You can find videos on youtube to help you with your form.
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    You can lose weight with no exercise at all. Although I suggest exercise because it's good for you. But no if you don't like the gym don't waste your money.
  • alder2000
    alder2000 Posts: 2 Member
    Yoga does wonders