Too hot to workout?

aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
Just wondering how everyone else deals with this.

It's been abominably hot out for the last couple of weeks. Hot enough that even with every precaution taken, I feel like crap during/after most workouts.

The most terrible thing is that I'm absolutely sure I'm not putting out the same amount of intensity as I normally do.

How is everyone else compensating for this lost work? Eating less? Or simply pushing through the exercises?


  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    find somewhere cool to exercise. may sound silly, but walk in the mall for a few hours (window shopping!) or try to find a pool to do some laps. i think we're all going through a heat wave and it's screwing up our appetites/motivation. soon enough, mother nature's PMS will settle down and we'll be back to normal. stay strong!
  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25
    I have actually continued through my exersises. Although I do workout everyday except for Sundays, at 5:00am for about one hour. I work out at home where of course I keep the AC, ceiling fan on and water on hand. So I guess you just have to find a cooler alternative. Try to do things that you can do inside where it cool. This heat is dangerous.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    when it's hot i do laps at the pool... hahaha.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I'm just going to try to do it anyway! AGH! Feel better!:glasses:
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Today is suppose to be bad here so I'm using it as my off day. I worked out yesterday when it was quite hot and after I felt sick to my stomach. I'm not risking it today, so I'm just going to stay within my calories and enjoy a rest day. I'm sure if you have air conditioning, working out won't be so bad.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    When the dew point gets really high, I am doing more treadmill work indoors at the Y, and pity the poor people next to me because I sweat a lot in a confined space like a gym. But bicycle riding in the heat and humidity, as long as I have plenty of water and keep moving, I really do not mind at all. Oh, it helps to be addicted to it. :smile: Stay frosty, whatever you do, and keep on movin!
  • Michi63
    Michi63 Posts: 20 Member
    I go for 4 -20 minute walks and I stay home and workout instead of trying to be outside. Way to hot, dangerously hot with increased fluid loss. :explode:
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I WISH this was all applicable. But my local gym has very VERY poor AC, and I have practices for outdoor sports :/

    The only thing I try to do is weigh myself before & after practice. Guarenteed most of the weight loss would be water... water that needs desperately to be replaced
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    i'll push my runs to later in the evening, so instead of a run at 4, i'll do 7 so it's a little cooler and the sun isn't beaming down.
    I also try to make it a point to go to the gym - the ac is there and i find it motivating to push through a workout.. and I have water available too.

    if you don't belong to a gym, i'd say do some workouts at home, inside and avoid the heat if possible, especially if you're not used to working out in the heat.

    my body is used to running in this gross nasty hot weather, but even then I still don't have great days. lol
    hope that helps
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Early, early, early is better than later. I've been doing my outside work at 4:30 --- it's still incredibly hot, but better than 7 pm when the heat of the day has built up. Of course, I also have a treadmill in the basement and it's been getting it's workout :) I've made it out 2 mornings since the heat hit, the rest has been in the basement.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I either stay indoors with DVDS, the treadmill, elliptical, Or I wait till about 6:30 every night. It doesn't get dark till 8:30 here so there is plent of time and usually it is cloudy from afternoon rain that has gone so it isn't as hot.
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Early in the summer I was riding my bike for exercise but as it got hotter, and very smokey down here in S. Ga., I started going to Curves for an indoor workout and I really enjoy it. I still ride my bike but only late in the evening and on days with no smoke!