Good Morning

MrsSuperK Posts: 5
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I was reading Health magazine the other day and there was a short article about a woman who used this site to track her progress. So I am giving it a try.

I've struggled w/ my weight my entire life and am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! Doing this on my own makes me nervous and a bit glass half empty kind of mentality but we'll see.



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Good Luck! You can get a lot of support on this site if you want it.
  • newday4me
    newday4me Posts: 10
    Welcome! You can SO do this... and the friends are great!
  • rocky282
    rocky282 Posts: 47 Member
    Your not on your own here. There are lots of people to be friends with who are happy to support you with suggestions, comments, advice or just plain root for you when you reach goals. I'm always looking for the positive people on here :)
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    This site really can be the success story of your life. and you will see ...see....see....the proven results that this site has helped thousands.
  • good luck
    feel free to add me:)
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I have been using this site intently for about a month, both on the computer and on a phone app. It seems to really help me because I can ask for advice and see what problems others have. It is also easy to keep track of your foods each day. The only problem is that it is honest (who really wants that). So if you eat more than your goal, it tells you in bright red numbers.

    It is in your best interest to find an exercise regimen to go with the dieting. I started Couch to 5K about a month ago as well. It is tough, but exercise is critical for your overall health. Good luck with your journey.
  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    WELCOME! This site is amazing and will work well for you if you will only let it! I'm your age also and like you, just want to be healthy for the years to come. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some additional mootivation and support:flowerforyou:
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Boy, can I relate. When I signed up, I was completely skeptical about whether or not MFP could help me do anything at all. I set my initial weight loss goal at the lowest number (1/2 lb a week) and committed to no exercise. ZERO. Five days in, I was down 3 pounds and totally hooked. Who knew that the simple act of tracking what I eat could make SUCH a difference?!

    Those first three pounds started the ball rolling and I've never looked back. In the last 5+ months, what I think about food, how I shop for it, how I prepare it, what I choose to eat at home and when I'm out ... everything has changed for the better. Truly: every single thing.

    As you start this journey, just know that MFP is a tool (a fabulous tool, but still a tool). It's how you use it that will make the difference. Want a friend along for the journey? Feel free to add me. You can do this, you know. You CAN. :)
  • MrsSuperK
    MrsSuperK Posts: 5
    Thank you DR - I am excercising - have been for nearly a year. I think that's why I am "glass half empty" because - though I feel better and more fit - I have only lost about 6 lbs. I know - better than gaining - but it's frustrating.

    I do think this site will help.
  • MrsSuperK
    MrsSuperK Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone for the positive enforcement - I'm only on day 2 but I'm liking it already! I hate getting on the scale - who doesn't? So I'm not sure how soon I'll get back on - it was a bit hard to post the weight to begin with.

    You never know - I may like this so much I'll put it on my Facebook!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi MrsSuperK,
    Hope things are going well. I have had a up and down week, but overall up. Hope yours is all up. Good Luck!
  • jamhamster
    jamhamster Posts: 98 Member
    I'm new here 2 only on my 10th day but so far i've kepted on track and been under my goals each day. the support here is great I never feel like i'm alone, anyone feel free to add me
  • Jscherrer
    Jscherrer Posts: 4
    I am with you and just joined myself.
  • How's it going Super-K? I just met with a Nutrition Coach who introduced me to this tool. I head to Aspen in less than a month and though I have lost 10 plus pounds, I am not at my goal weight of losing 20 pounds by Aspen. So, I am lowering calorie goal to try and lose 1.5lbs a week. Last week I hurt myself doing yoga with a very sore hip maybe bursitis or tendinitis. Last night I played 18 holes of golf pulling a cart and was exhausted but proved that my hip was better after a week lay-off.

    Hope you are putting a dent in your next goal level. Your efforts thus far are most impressive!!!
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