Would like to connect with other ladies in their 40's to share & motivate...



  • maurihart
    maurihart Posts: 51 Member
    Add me!! I'm 41 and have about 16 more pounds to lose for my first goal!
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
  • Hollyg238
    Hollyg238 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me - I lost 25 pounds in July 2015 (at 46) thru mfp to 150 (5'7"). Then I moved, didn't follow diet as rigorously (but still exercised) but then the dreaded menopause hit and gained first 10, then 20, then a total 38 pounds as of January 2017. Since then I have worked hard dieting to lost 8 pounds and am aiming for another 25 by August for a cruise. My next goal is 170 by mid-April (a weight I haven't seen in a year).
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
  • nettam3re3
    nettam3re3 Posts: 66 Member
    I just turned 40 and am also looking for new friends on MFP. I've lost about 30lbs all together. At one point it was 70 lbs down... and then had habits snuck back in.... yikes! Back on the plan!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi! I am 41 and have lost 25 lbs approx since December ... I am just some lbs away from my 1st mini goal, reaching 199lbs and finally off the 200s yay!! I also do weight more than my husband (but i am ablot shorter than him :s ) but hopefully for not much longer!
    Feel free to add me.
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me as well :) I started in late December and have lost close to 18 lbs. I love meeting new people and seeing how their journey is working for them. Plus, I get great ideas from food diaries for healthier choices B) My diary is open to friends and I log on daily. Cheers!
  • hethabeth
    hethabeth Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi feel free to add me as well!! You had me at " I wanna weigh less than my husband!" I too have ALWAYS weighed more then him, but now I am 10lbs away from his weight and I cant wait! I have been flip flopping with MFP for about 5 years. But no more!! My starting weight was 220, my current weight is 170, and my mini goal for my birthday in May is 145. We can do this together, because NOTHING tastes as good as THIN FEELS!

  • kimm_dean
    kimm_dean Posts: 2 Member
    I am 44 and have been using MFP for quite a while. Lost weight then got lazy...
    Just after the holidays, I knew I had gained some weight so I broke down and bought a scale. I was the heaviest I have ever been! I gained all the weight back, plus more. I am motivated to finally get to my goal, which is another 30 lbs to go. I have always used MFP alone, but now I think I need more motivation and accountability.
    Please, feel free to add me & any one else that feels the same as I. :)
  • haydiz70
    haydiz70 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 46 and lost 53 pounds a year and a half ago. Im 5' 2". The closer I got to my goal (125 lbs) the more my appetite increased. I was only 2 pounds away from my goal before it all went haywire. Before losing the weight, I never had a big appetite. I've gained back about 15 pounds and luckily my appetite is returning to normal, so it isn't such a fight every day. I'd like to lose and keep off 6-7 pounds and remain in the mid 130s. If I can get to 125 that would be awesome but I'm looking to find the weight my body and I will be happy with. :) Feel free to add me!
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    Ditto on the aiming to weigh less than my husband. I weighed more than him when we met. 25 years later, I still weigh more. That's getting fixed!
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I'm a 48 year old wife and mom to 5 kids. I just started back on MFP last Monday. I'm in it to succeed this time around. I lost 25 lbs last year and managed to gain it all back by December so I know I can do this but it's just a matter of sticking to it once and for all. :)
  • shakendel
    shakendel Posts: 2 Member
    Hey. You can add me also. I am 42 and have been using MFP on and off for about four years. I am really tired of being overweight and ready for a change. I am 5'8 and 205 lbs. My short term goal is to be out of the 200's for good. Ultimately I want to be 150. I think having a group of people to support each other is great. Maybe it will make a difference for me this time around. Count me in!!!!