Sort of New Here

Jimda92 Posts: 23 Member
I say sort of because I've been here before, but I fell off the wagon for a while. I'm back now, though. So, I thought I'd introduce myself again.

My name is Jimda, I'm in my 20s and I live in Kentucky. I've got 100+ lbs to lose and I'd really like to make some like-minded friends this time around. My hobbies are gaming and sewing. Some of my favorite games are TES, Half-Life, Tera, Dead Space, Portal and Mass Effect, and I also like tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons (yep, I'm a nerd).


  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm "sort of new here" too; I was on a year ago, also fell off the wagon, but have been pretty dedicated for a month steps, right? Also, hoping to lose over 100 lbs, so maybe we would have some similarities in that as well. I do enjoy gaming (mostly adventure/mystery PC games), but am more of a book nerd I would say :smile:
  • Jimda92
    Jimda92 Posts: 23 Member
    @Sgt_Pepper33 Books are awesome! I've always loved to read and used to write a lot, but have been on hiatus since my daughter was born last May. Do you write at all?
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    I do! I've wanted to be an author since I was a child, and I majored in English writing and lit, although I haven't used it much yet. Still, I have a couple books in the works I'm excited about! You can add me if you want a weight loss friend! And congratulations on your baby girl!!
  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member
    Options We have a 30 Day motivation and fitness group for gamers and nerds (anyone welcome of course) starting tomorrow. Check it out :#
  • Jimda92
    Jimda92 Posts: 23 Member
    @Sgt_Pepper33 Oh, that's awesome! How far along are you in your writing? Also, do you have anything like a account?
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    @Jimda92 I'm at various points of 3 different books. Not too terribly far in any of them though. The one I'm the furthest in, I would say I have a good 5 chapters (or portions I would consider as chapters) done. I go for long periods of not writing, then short bursts of profuse writing. I do not do anything like, but I'm interested now in what exactly that is. I am so far behind technological-wise with the writing front. I don't even type my writing. They are tucked away in composition notebooks..hehe! I have a few short stories I would love to try to get published somehow either online or in a publication, but it's scary to take that step. Sorry, that was way lengthier than it needed to be in response to your question! :smile:

    What kind of things did you enjoy writing before your "hiatus"? Do you do the online writing sites?
  • Jimda92
    Jimda92 Posts: 23 Member
    @Sgt_Pepper33 Lengthy is good! Way better than just a yes or no.

    I feel you on the notebooks. It's only been a few years since I started using a computer for writing. Before I either used a typewriter or pencil and paper. I was against it at first (traditionalist), but I've got to say it has made the process so much easier.

    Adventure and fantasy/supernatural with a little romance thrown in has been my thing for a long time (since I first read Mistborn). There's a rough draft of a novel with exactly that genre sitting on my hard drive right now, waiting to be edited, but I've only managed to work on the prologue and chapter one so far. So, I guess my hiatus is more like a work when I can thing. When (if) I get it done, I'll probably self publish through something like Smashwords.

    As for writing sites, is the only one I use. I've tried others, but they never stuck. can be a bit overwhelming at first because of all its features, but a large majority of its members are serious writers or readers, and you can post your work to your portfolio and request reviews on the Please Review and Plug Pages, plus you can read and review others' work as well, so it's well worth learning. If you decide to join (and you're comfortable with it) shoot me a message on here with a link to your profile and I'll add/fan you.

    What about you? What kind of things do you write?