Really annoying me now!

Basically there is a group of 4 of us, 2 couples all decided to lose weight.

I was the heaviest, like a half stone heavier than the other guy who is my best friend. Now it's been 8 weeks since we started. I've lost 1st 6lb to bring me down to 18st 4. Although I had a bad weekend (couple of beers and a chinese last night), but I'm not letting that get me down. What's getting me down is how my best mate is acting about all of this.
I've not had that usual big loss you get in the first month or so, it's been consistent and I don't think I've gained or remained the same in any given week.
My friend however is now 16st 7. He's lost like 2st 9lb and that's great, its amazing and I couldn't be happier for the guy but it's frustrating the life out of me when he says he's been eating what he wants. That's nonsense, total nonsense. Him eating what he wants is like fast food, basically if he ate what he wanted he'd be maintaining or still gaining.
I just wish he was honest with me and gave each other a little more motivation by sharing what were eating, how were working out etc but he's so secretive it's unreal! I probably am a little more nosey than the average male but we were meant to be in this together as we all go on holiday together in under 6 months and I don't wanna be that guy that's totally overweight and lacking in confidence!
I'm an honest person and tell people like it is. It wouldn't even bother me if he was taking diet pills etc, I'd give him my thoughts but there really is no reason to be so secretive about it when we all have the same goal.
We all went to the gym together at the start of this journey as well and that's kinda fell away in the sense that they now go together with another couple, not a weight loss couple, and don't even invite us or ask if were going! That feels kinda weird also!
Probably a bit too heavy for a Monday morning but I really needed to get that off my chest. It's probably me that's the problem but I'd like a bit of advice!


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,953 Member
    Just do your own thing.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    It sounds like he's treating it like a competition? That he's competing against you and so of course he's going to not share his "secrets" and try and psych you out by saying stupid stuff about eating fast food all the time. I can totally understand why that can make you feel so shut out because it sounds like you were expecting more of a team effort than a competition. So...totally justified. But that said, nothing you can do about it.

    Just have to view your partner as your team mate and enjoy losing weight within a team of two instead of four. Also don't compare yourselves to the other couple..they are probably doing unsustainable things like crash dieting, cabbage soup, diet pills, etc etc. Focus on developing a new healthy lifestyle for you and your partner...that is what will really help you lose the weight and keep it off.
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    edited March 2017
    Who knows, he might be telling you the truth. Maybe his workouts or cardio routine are different than what you are doing? I know in my case, I eat 5-6 meals a day to loose weight and workout daily plus cardio. You don't have to stop eating what you want, just have to be aware the amount you are eating.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Losing 1/2 a pound a day is "impossible" without a severely restricted diet or using "fat burners" because you need to burn like 7000 calories to lose a pound.
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    I can go either way, but I can see why you are frustrated. He does sound like he thinks it is a competition. That's on him. However, he may be eating what he wants, just what he wants may have changed. About 10 days after I cut out sugar I stopped wanting it and most other junk food. (Weird and totally unexpected, but awesome.)

    MFP friends may be the way to get the support he doesn't seem to be able to give.