New to this ....

Name: Alan
Total Weight lost: New to this
Time it took to lose:
How long in maintenance: just starting
Maintenance weight: target 182-184lbs
Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
Average weight recorded for February: 196lbs

Week of...
3rd March: 194lbs
10th March:
17th March:
24th March:
31st March:

Success/struggles of the week:
No chocolate, crisps, or biscuits
Started walks again!!!


  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    The fat will come off fast for you
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Been a struggle so far but just did another
    6km walk. I will feel fitter
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Since you are down to your last ten pounds you're practically in maintenance. I give myself a 5 pound range since eating salty popcorn can have me up 2 pounds the next day in water weight and I'm only 5'2". When I get to the top end of maintenance I tell myself I'm "there". But in the past I derailed at that point. Now I'm going to just keep doing what I've been doing to be successful, with a little tweaking (increasing) of calories to stop the loss. I have ten more pounds to go to get to the top, on my third time through losing and regaling on mfp. When I get to the top of my range I'll keep losing very slowly till I'm mid point.
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    It does get frustrating when you see that needle jump back up the day after you say yessss!
    Will carry on watching what I eat trying to keep within the calories and also building on the exercise. Thanks again Fiddletime

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    It's a different place to be in maintenance, with, to some, not as much plus side. I hope I've learned how to finally master maintenance. I just can't think of this weight loss journey as "over". It's just slightly shifted direction. Keep your focus and get serious if you go up 3 pounds. Go to a deficit. I got complacent, stopped logging, then just didn't want to anymore. Bad choice for me!
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Choice is a good thing,sometimes easily taken, but reversible. Motivation comes from wanting to feel fit and also not having to use tyre levers to slip into those smart jeans lol. I think you are right in that I am in a 5 lb range where the upper level is the "do something" and the lowest level the immediate target with the middle the current acceptible. Logging in daily suppose helps to maintain the focus it's good to have encouragement :)
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Alan
    Total Weight lost: New to this
    Time it took to lose:
    How long in maintenance: just starting
    Maintenance weight: Revised target 186-190lbs
    Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
    Average weight recorded for February: 196lbs

    Week of...
    3rd March: 194lbs
    10th March:193lbs
    17th March:
    24th March:
    31st March:

    Slow but looking promising. Nursing a bad knee after slipping off a chair while painting. Walking a lil impaired at the moment but going to walk around town today and avoid the Belgian bun when I have coffee. :(
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Alan
    Total Weight lost: New to this
    Time it took to lose:
    How long in maintenance: just starting
    Maintenance weight: Revised target 186-190lbs
    Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
    Average weight recorded for February: 196lbs

    Week of...
    3rd March: 194lbs
    10th March:193lbs
    17th March: 192lbs
    24th March:
    31st March:
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Alan
    Total Weight lost: New to this
    Time it took to lose:
    How long in maintenance: just starting
    Maintenance weight: Revised target 186-190lbs
    Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
    Average weight recorded for February: 196lbs

    Week of...
    3rd March: 194lbs
    10th March:193lbs
    17th March: 192lbs
    24th March: 191lbs
    31st March:

    Slowly going in the right direction, leg still troubling me so short walks only. This time next week in Canada for a short stay. If I am still around the 190lbs when I return I will consider it my first success. Real success will be dropping to 186lbs and probably a waist size.
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Alan
    Total Weight lost: New to this
    Time it took to lose:
    How long in maintenance: just starting
    Maintenance weight: Revised target 186-190lbs
    Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
    Average weight recorded for February: 196lbs

    Week of...
    3rd March: 194lbs
    10th March:193lbs
    17th March: 192lbs
    24th March: 191lbs
    31st March: 190lbs
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Nice work!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Congratulations! You're at the top of your target range now! At the rate you're going, you'll probably hit 186 in a month. I dream about the day that will be me hitting my target weight, but I also feel a little bit of dread. I want to get the hang of maintenance this time because it has eluded me in the past.

    Do you plan to keep logging? Or do you want to try to teach yourself to "eat intuitively"?
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I'm new to maintaining and would love to check in this month. Where do you access previous months' averages?
  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Melanie I am relatively new to this "Maintaining Weight" too.
    Everyday you record your weight you can see your previous logs. At the end of your week work out your average for that week and record it by way of a post in here. When you have your 4 or 5 weeks log take the average and post it again as your "monthly average for April" and then carry that average into your post for May. So as you move into June you will have an average
    April ave. ?
    May ave ?

    Wk 2

    That is what I have been doing right of wrong :)
    Good luck :)
    Seeing your own posts and getting the occasional posts is your encouragement.

  • Meaniiman01
    Meaniiman01 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Alan
    Total Weight lost: New to this
    Time it took to lose:
    How long in maintenance: third Month
    Maintenance weight: Revised target 186-190lbs

    Highest: 204lbs (May 2014)
    Average weight recorded for
    February: 196lbs
    March : 192lbs

    April 7th: 190lbs
    April 14th: 190lbs

    Success coming back from Holiday in