New Single Mom

Hi Everyone!

I joined yesterday and thought I'd give this a go. I DISLIKE having to track calories. It seems picky and time consuming, but I've been praying and asking to be made willing to be willing, so I'm going to give it my absolute best.

My name is Brandy and I am a 31 year old single mom. Most people don't think I am as heavy as I am, but that's mainly because I have been blessed with a body that can hide the pounds easily. When I stepped on the scale and it said 273 pounds, and I have started having joint issues, I knew it was time for me to finally overcome the weight thing and get my butt moving.

I have a wonderful 5 year old son that is absolutely the joy in my life. He also has a thick build. I want him to grow up knowing a healthy and active lifestyle so he doesn't look at himself at 31 and realize just how much he has to do to get himself to the point of healthy. I am not built to be a size 0, but I know I can do better than a size 20.

BTW - The topic seems misleading. I'm new here and I am a single mom. It's been my son and I since he came into this world. It's not an easy job, but the rewards far outweigh any negative there is.

I look forward to getting to know you guys!



  • Nancyhusanu
    Welcome Brandy!,
    I'm fairly new myself, and although I don't post often I read threads on here a lot, and its helpful and supportive!
    Wishing you the best on your journey.
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome! You can do it!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    good luck and welcome!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Welcome Brandy! Calorie counting is time consuming but SO WORTH IT!! You can do it!! And your success will keep you motivated!! Feel free to add me if you like. Mskeelah919.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
  • RickyBobby07
    We are all here for you, have faith that you can get to your goal weight, it may be hard at first, trust me I know, but as you get yourself into a routine it will get easier. Good Luck, hope you have a bless day !
  • mommyfirst77
    mommyfirst77 Posts: 119
    I am a 34 yr old single mom of 4! I have been divorced for about 6 years. So I konw what you mean. I also do not feel ppl think I am as big as I actually am, but I am doing this for me! Good luck WE CAN DO THIS!!! Feel free to add me if you like~
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm looking to weigh 175 lbs. That seems like something unobtainable because I have never been below 215 as an adult. Lots of praying is going into this (though my highest weight was 305 lbs when I was 9 months pregnant with my son)!!! A sleepless night last night as my mind kept at me saying "You came in 220 calories under...why don't you go eat...." And me battling back and saying, "Because I don't feel physically hungry so go to sleep!" Ultimately, I had a peach (if I'm going to eat something, it might as well be healthy!) and finally convinced myself to sleep.

    Hoping tonight is going to be easier to fall asleep since I am playing sand volleyball. :)
  • Meghann218
    Meghann218 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome Brandy! Your right it is time consuming but in time you will get yourself in a routine that you may not need to come to log on as much as long as you stick within you limits. Its really portion control. Its not so bad if you still want to eat some of the so called not so healthy foods just in portion. A lot is portion control and you will learn that hear. Its an eye opener. I have lost a total of 27 pds a year after i had my second child i had to put a stop to my eating habits and get down to a weight I was happy with. I still have more weight to lose sort of put trying to lose weight on hold but I have been maintaining which makes me happy that I am not gaining back any weight lost. I got myself to the point of understanding my limits on food. Good Luck and hopes this helps some!:smile:
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome Brandy! MFP is a great place to be! If you have a smart phone the calorie tracking is a lot easier. If you need support and motivation you will find it here! Good luck on your weight loss journey and if you need a pal feel free to add me. ~Wendy
  • Kjanthony
    Kjanthony Posts: 39
    welcome Brandi! i know calorie counting can be time consuming but it will make you aware of just how much we eat when we think we may have done real good. i like that it makes me accountable for what i do eat. i think you will end up liking it! good luck on your weight loss journey and you may add me as a friend if you like.:smile:
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome! It may at first seem time consuming to log your foods but after awhile its part of the routine. It really helps you to see what you're eating and how much we eat too. It's easy to over eat when you don't think about it. Plus it helps me make better choices on what I do eat. Good luck to you on your journey to a healthier you!!
  • mannagayle
    mannagayle Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad you joined Brandy!! You CAN do this! Tracking calories takes some getting used to, but if you make a habit of it and utilize the apps on your phone it will become easier. We are in this together girl! I have been logging every day for about 5 months now. MFP has changed my life, honestly. You have my support all the way girl! :)
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Thanks doll! I was very hesitant about joining, but after the first day, I'm glad I did. I can definitely see how this is going to help me in a whole bunch of ways. I CAN DO THIS! And you can keep doing it!!
  • caitmcwill
    caitmcwill Posts: 102
    Welcome Brandy. I am pretty new here myself too. I am a single mom of a 3 month old and can say she is the best motivation I have for getting into shape. I hated doing the calorie counter at first too, but routinely did it for a few days and now I enter the foods that I eat several times throughout the day. The best part about it is when you enter your exercise, the food tracker gives you those calories back. Its always exciting to watch those calories come back and know that you can eat a bit more than you thought. I am definitely here for you if you need any support. Good luck with everything! :)