Second time around is harder...

In 2014 I lost 30 pounds, in 2015 I lost another 30 and held the weight off for over 2 years. I needed a SSRI so I ended up gaining about 35 pounds back, I stopped working out and stopped dieting, and now I have about 15 pounds to lose. I'm struggling getting this weight off, and have good days and bad days. I'm 35 years old, and I've have my weight be up and down my entire life. In 2009 I was near 200 pounds, dropped down to 155, then I got pregnant and was up to 200 pounds again, and then lost 60 of it, and I gained back about 20 pounds, and I've lose about 4 of it. I'm low sugar, high protein, low fat, dieter. The thing is this medication makes me so hungry. I really am determined to kiss the fat goodbye! We have a trip in June and I don't want to be all covered up because I'm so fat right now.


  • ristinadurivage
    ristinadurivage Posts: 18 Member
    Have you thought about low carb high fat? I was 220 in 2013 and got down to 155 by 2014. Got pregnant and now that my daughter is 19 mo, I'm back on the low carb high fat diet. I do carb cycling as well. I have one higher carb day and then two low carb days. I'm currently at 186 and trying to get back to at most 160. Check out fathead and Cereal Killers. They are movies and are on youtube. The extra fat should help you with hunger bc fat takes longer to digest.