Light weight a lot of repetitions



  • Gondowolf
    Gondowolf Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2017
    cityruss wrote: »
    Gondowolf wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Gondowolf wrote: »
    Well its something like this
    High volume ( heavy) + low frequency = more strenght but less of a change in muscle size ( example small powerlifters and olympic lifters who dont look very strong but they are )
    Low volume ( medium-light) + high frequency = more definition and size in muscle ( if your diet is also on point)

    j4d2ijuovbya.jpg- powerlifter above and low-volume fitness guy aka timbahwolf

    The main difference between heavy weight and medium - light rep is more strength vs endurance. Hypertrophy can, and will occur is a variety of rep ranges. Total volume is generally a better indicator of hypertrophy. Muscle definition is driven by body composition and body fat %.

    Many people link muscle soreness to amazing workouts, but it doesn't seem like muscle soreness is necessary to elicit growth. A study by the Northern Arizona University [1] investigated whether muscle soreness, as a result of muscle damage, is an indicator of muscle growth. They found that muscle damage (and therefore soreness) is not necessary to gain muscle. This explains why research [2] shows that individuals who experience little to no muscle soreness are still able to gain muscle effectively. .
    This does not mean that muscle soreness should be prevented, it just shows that your workout routine does not have to make you feel sore all the time. Performing adequate workout volume so you can progress in training is far more important [3, 4, 5]. .
    Study 1:
    Study 2:
    Study 3:
    Study 4:
    Study 5:

    It's polite to reference the original author if you're going to copy and paste their words.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I tend to do fairly high reps for accessory lifts, generally 10-12 reps for compounds its low rep high weight, 5-6 reps
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is there a point to this thread?
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    is there a point to this thread?

    Maybe not but going off topic slightly,is there a simple answer to which is best (high rep/light vs low rep/heavy)if you want to build muscle? Genuine question as I see conflicting info about it (not on this thread )
  • suckafreejones
    suckafreejones Posts: 15 Member
    Need some new friends!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    is there a point to this thread?

    Maybe not but going off topic slightly,is there a simple answer to which is best (high rep/light vs low rep/heavy)if you want to build muscle? Genuine question as I see conflicting info about it (not on this thread )

    Generally, i would suggest working in both. For the primary core lifts, I lift at the 4-6 range and accessories (since it's largely dumbbell or cable work), I am in the 8-12 range.
  • eazy_flex
    eazy_flex Posts: 1 Member
    To sum up, higher volume leads to higher muscle size but it wont work if you go up to 45 reps per set...

    Make fitness easier, want to get big? Go norm/hiper-caloric intake and try to work bot ranges strength and hypertrophy, you gain strength which is going to help you lift more weight within your 8-12 range.

    Not always but I use to work for hypertrophy in sets from 8 to 12 reps and when I can reach 4x 12 I just jump in for more weight, stay in range until I can work for 4x12 again and again...

    More than 16-20 reps... I will never understand the purpose of going over 16-20 reps in young and healthy people
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    is there a point to this thread?

    Maybe not but going off topic slightly,is there a simple answer to which is best (high rep/light vs low rep/heavy)if you want to build muscle? Genuine question as I see conflicting info about it (not on this thread )

    Generally, i would suggest working in both. For the primary core lifts, I lift at the 4-6 range and accessories (since it's largely dumbbell or cable work), I am in the 8-12 range.

    So with Strong lifts,which I'm currently doing,I'll gain strength but not necessarily muscle?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    is there a point to this thread?

    Maybe not but going off topic slightly,is there a simple answer to which is best (high rep/light vs low rep/heavy)if you want to build muscle? Genuine question as I see conflicting info about it (not on this thread )

    Generally, i would suggest working in both. For the primary core lifts, I lift at the 4-6 range and accessories (since it's largely dumbbell or cable work), I am in the 8-12 range.

    So with Strong lifts,which I'm currently doing,I'll gain strength but not necessarily muscle?

    Not necessarily. The thought that hypertrophy only occurs in rep ranges of 8-12 isn't entirely correct. It might be more likely, or easier to achieve adequate volume in that rep range, but 5x5 programs can still achieve hypertrophy. IIRC, one of the recent Brad Schoenfeld studies demonstrated that people achieve hypertrophy using 7x3 and 3x7 methods. The one that did 7 sets of 3RM had more strength.

    From my understanding, there is about a total volume range of roughly 20-60 reps that can drive hypertrophy with the lower end of that also increase 1RM at a higher rate.
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »

    Not necessarily. The thought that hypertrophy only occurs in rep ranges of 8-12 isn't entirely correct. It might be more likely, or easier to achieve adequate volume in that rep range, but 5x5 programs can still achieve hypertrophy. IIRC, one of the recent Brad Schoenfeld studies demonstrated that people achieve hypertrophy using 7x3 and 3x7 methods. The one that did 7 sets of 3RM had more strength.

    From my understanding, there is about a total volume range of roughly 20-60 reps that can drive hypertrophy with the lower end of that also increase 1RM at a higher rate.

    I remember reading a similar study (might be the same one), where the hypertrophy was too close to call, but the higher intensity group suffered more injuries and drop outs than the higher rep groups.

    Mike Israetel's information on minimum effective volume (MEV) is well worth a google. For hypertrophy, 10 hard sets per week is a good place to start.

  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    is there a point to this thread?

    Maybe not but going off topic slightly,is there a simple answer to which is best (high rep/light vs low rep/heavy)if you want to build muscle? Genuine question as I see conflicting info about it (not on this thread )

    Generally, i would suggest working in both. For the primary core lifts, I lift at the 4-6 range and accessories (since it's largely dumbbell or cable work), I am in the 8-12 range.

    So with Strong lifts,which I'm currently doing,I'll gain strength but not necessarily muscle?

    Not necessarily. The thought that hypertrophy only occurs in rep ranges of 8-12 isn't entirely correct. It might be more likely, or easier to achieve adequate volume in that rep range, but 5x5 programs can still achieve hypertrophy. IIRC, one of the recent Brad Schoenfeld studies demonstrated that people achieve hypertrophy using 7x3 and 3x7 methods. The one that did 7 sets of 3RM had more strength.

    From my understanding, there is about a total volume range of roughly 20-60 reps that can drive hypertrophy with the lower end of that also increase 1RM at a higher rate.

    OK- thank you!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    eazy_flex wrote: »
    To sum up, higher volume leads to higher muscle size but it wont work if you go up to 45 reps per set...

    Make fitness easier, want to get big? Go norm/hiper-caloric intake and try to work bot ranges strength and hypertrophy, you gain strength which is going to help you lift more weight within your 8-12 range.

    Not always but I use to work for hypertrophy in sets from 8 to 12 reps and when I can reach 4x 12 I just jump in for more weight, stay in range until I can work for 4x12 again and again...

    More than 16-20 reps... I will never understand the purpose of going over 16-20 reps in young and healthy people

    Some of my glute band work is around 30 reps, but this is very specific stuff here.. I'm not doing that on all exercises!