not losing pounds but inches



  • Fiesta80
    Fiesta80 Posts: 35
    Just have to echo those sentiments as well. Inches lost mean so much more than a number on a scale!!

    It is a difficult mindset to adopt, seeing as almost all of us are used to gauging our "success" by that number on a scale. But a number on a scale can only tell you so much...

    Numbers on a scale don’t tell you how nifty you look in those jeans that used to be too tight on you. They don’t tell you how reinvigorated and energetic you’re starting to feel. They don't tell you how your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and other lab results are now in the normal range, or heading in that direction. They don’t tell you that you've replaced a crap-load of fat with muscle and are worlds healthier because of it. They don’t tell you: “Congratulations for that wonderful work-out that you just accomplished!” Numbers on a scale just don’t seem to cut it …and they’re not very complimentary. They can warp your perception of yourself and your accomplishments and bring you down to China town. They can make you feel bad about yourself for totally stupid reasons, and discourage you from trying harder.

    Because of this, I only weigh myself once a month. Why let a stupid number slap me in the face or get me down? I’m living healthy. The weight will come off when it wants to. I'm not saying this will be the case for everyone -- everyone's body is different. Some can lose faster/easier than others. In my case, I've always stayed around the same weight, and do not gain or lose easily. But in the meantime, the way working out makes me feel is so much better than any number on a scale!

    Just my 2 cents. You're doing great! Keep up the amazing work! :happy:

    hehe... I<3 this post. She's spot on.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    i started a healthy lifestyle 20 weeks ago and i lost weight every week up untill week 18 when i joined a gym, i was really upset yest when i weighed myself only to find i had stayed the same, i went to the gym later that day and my personal trainer measured me and told me if actually lost 2.5cm around my waste :) i still got more weight to lose does anyone know how i can start losing it on the scales again? ive now started eating 6 meals a day instead of my normal 3 as my trainer said this will help boost my weightloss x

    Losing inches is what you want here, right? If you only joined the gym 2 weeks ago, you're most likely seeing some water weight because your muscles store water along with glycogen when you exercise.

    yes i do, i wanty both but after reading all your opnions i feel much better about losing inches rather then whats on the scales, thankyou x

    I feel better too after reading all the comments. I am having the same problem. The inches are coming off because my clothes are getting so much looser but the scale is at a slow crawl.
  • ckatastrophy
    ckatastrophy Posts: 112 Member
    Losing inches is still losing wt. You need to remember that muscle actually weighs more than fat, so if the scale is staying the same but you are losing inches you are still losing fat. You are actually becoming "LEAN", and eventually the weight will follow. Be happy with your leaner stronger self, keep track of those inches, & don't worry so much about those little numbers on the scale.
    Congrats & well done!
    Good luck with your goals!