Healthy easy to go foods and snacks

What are some healthy easy to go snacks and foods? Im a full time working momma and i like simple healthy foods. Any meal ideas for weight loss?


  • bri_fitnessjourney
    bri_fitnessjourney Posts: 19 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Weight loss is all about taking in fewer calories than our bodies expend. So simply reducing portions is a good place to start. Don't re-invent how you eat, but find places to improve upon it.

    "Healthy" is so subjective....I'm not sure what your definition is.

    Breakfast - I like to start the day off with protein, fat & fiber. Something like a Greek yogurt parfait made with Fiber One cereal, chopped nuts & berries. Home made egg McMuffins or burritos can be improved. 2% cheese, high fiber English muffin or tortilla, baked eggs (with extra whites).....adds protein & not a lot of calories.

    Lunch - at least 1 serving of veggies (high volume, low calorie). Broth based soups, sandwiches on low(er) calorie bread.....lean meat & cheese. Salads with grilled many options. Just make sure to measure the dressing.

    Dinner -start out with a lean protein & build around it. Sweet potato or rice for starch and a big serving of non-starch veggies.

    I save room for a treat every day. It helps me stay the course & I also learn about portions for less "healthy" foods. When I get to maintenance.....this will be super helpful. As long as I'm staying within calories....and meeting protein, it's all good.

    Thank you so much for your post!