How to cut OUT soda/pop



  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Wow, I must have done it wrong. I lost 60 pounds and had a couple of coke zeros and a cup of bluebell ice cream every damn day.
  • olympus1112
    olympus1112 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't forget that the diet sodas may have more of other ingredients in it. Salt or other stuff. No matter what the thing is you take something out you have to put something else more.
  • sara1984
    sara1984 Posts: 15 Member
    Easy... gave it up for lent!!!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    Many moons ago I drank regular sodas. At some point I switched to diet, got used to the aftertaste, and soon came to love it! I loved it so much that in graduate school I found myself drinking 4 Diet Dr. Peppers a day. One day I decided I needed to stop drinking that much diet soda--I went cold turkey off the soda, and haven't had one now for 21 years. Except maybe twice when I accidentally drank my husband's Sprite, thinking it was my water--yuck!!

    So anyway, I recommend cold turkey!! If you're currently drinking regular sodas, the calorie reduction and subsequent weight loss might be motivation enough to stick with it!
  • Fatmuscleguy
    Fatmuscleguy Posts: 20 Member
    I drank a 2 liter of pop daily for more than 20 yrs.I didn't stop cold turkey ; I would buy a king can and drink half and dump the rest out.Did that for a week,by the second week I would force myself to drink it even if I didn't want to.That worked for me.I never had cravings or withdrawal.How I didn't end up with diabetes is a miracle.I'll have an occasional can of pepsi but I don't guzzle it like I used to.

    Everyone is different ,this method worked for me.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    You could try just logging your calories meticulously for a while so that you see how much the fizzy sugary stuff is eating away at the calories you need for food. That's what's made the difference for me. I haven't "cut it out" but I have had a mindset shift where sugary drinks are a treat rather than the norm. I just don't want to spend the calories on them.

    Don't make it harder for yourself by loading up on excuses. "I'm addicted" is a great excuse and all it will do is get in your way.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I used to drink Diet Coke, but same as @sara1984, I gave up soda for Lent one year. Then just decided to keep going and never looked back. I started reading about all the junk in diet pop and figured I didn't need any of those artificial ingredients in my life. I don't miss it at all and when I've occasionally taken a sip of soda the level of sweetness just makes me cringe. :s

    If I want a little fizz, I drink a flavored (zero calorie) sparkling water like La Croix. I've thought about a soda stream, but I'm not sure I'd use it enough to justify the cost.

  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    La Croix! That stuff is so good. I also drink Coke Zero.

    For regularly sweetened soda, I have half a can (per day) of Dry soda or Guayaki Yerba Mate Gold or Pomegranate flavor. I also like Reed's Ginger Ale, I have half a bottle diluted with sparkling water. It's about 60 calories for half a container in most cases, and the rest keeps fine for a day or two in the fridge once opened.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I would always drink about 3-4 cans of diet coke daily..I quite drinking regular coke years ago probably on one of my diets. When I decided to lose weight this time I thought I would drink a coke when the mood struck but I've made myself drink water, which I never enjoyed before. I drink the 64 oz of water , as water daily I don't count my coffee and tea. I just have no room for my coke now and after 6 months without it I don't even want it.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Coke Zero, or my new favorite, cherry Coke Zero. It's not the cure but it could help you wean off the high calorie, high sugar regular pop.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    There was a time I was drinking upwards of 7 cans of Mtn Dew a day. I decided to quit one day. I stopped buying soda that day and bought a $3 bottle of caffeine pills to replace the caffeine in my soda.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm trying to take baby steps for an overall achievement of weight loss. One of my weaknesses is Dr. Peppers and Root Beers. It's an addiction but an addiction I know I can overcome with a little help. What steps can o take to stay away?

    I used to drink 3-5 regular sodas per day. I started by just reducing that to 1 per day...then 1 every other day...then a couple per week...then once per week...then ultimately they were gone. I still have a soda now and then...maybe like 3 per year.

    For the fizzy I took to sparkling water...I like La Croix.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    A&W 10 - a 12 ounce can has 10 calories. Just a little bit of sugar so it tastes much more like regular soda. I have 1 or 2 cans of diet soda every day.....doesn't stop weight loss.
  • theroyalmurphys
    theroyalmurphys Posts: 4 Member
    Store brand sparkling water with lemon or lime juice added to it has been a life saver for my son and me. My mom was giving my 10yo sodas when he would visit and he got to really like them. I was buying them at work, as there were no options to get bottled water (and I don't do tap water.) We started with La Croix and fell in love. Now, any time we have a need for fizz, I get the 2L bottles of sparkling water, so we don't feel the need to drink a whole can's worth. What's nice, is that I add it to my water count of the day, unlike other drinks.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Store brand sparkling water with lemon or lime juice added to it has been a life saver for my son and me. My mom was giving my 10yo sodas when he would visit and he got to really like them. I was buying them at work, as there were no options to get bottled water (and I don't do tap water.) We started with La Croix and fell in love. Now, any time we have a need for fizz, I get the 2L bottles of sparkling water, so we don't feel the need to drink a whole can's worth. What's nice, is that I add it to my water count of the day, unlike other drinks.

    Why can't I add diet soda to my water count? I add iced tea (unsweetened) - milk - all sorts of beverages. Not that water count is a big deal anyway.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    Walmart has a brand called Clear I think it has 0 everything it reminds me of sprite and I definitely drink a can when I need something with bubbles in it
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited March 2017
    Store brand sparkling water with lemon or lime juice added to it has been a life saver for my son and me. My mom was giving my 10yo sodas when he would visit and he got to really like them. I was buying them at work, as there were no options to get bottled water (and I don't do tap water.) We started with La Croix and fell in love. Now, any time we have a need for fizz, I get the 2L bottles of sparkling water, so we don't feel the need to drink a whole can's worth. What's nice, is that I add it to my water count of the day, unlike other drinks.

    Psssst....guess what ingredient comprises 99% of soda, iced tea, etc.?

    (Hint: Water.)
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    kksmom1789 wrote: »
    Walmart has a brand called Clear I think it has 0 everything it reminds me of sprite and I definitely drink a can when I need something with bubbles in it

    I used to have several a day (Mountain Dew) then switched to one Diet a day and then replaced it with Clear from Walmart for the fizz. I will take one for lunch most days if I remember. They taste great