All of a sudden side stitches while running?

jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
edited March 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So, i have been running regularly since july, 3 times a week. I started with c25k and now i'm able to run 14kms non stop without any problems.Well, until now.
I've had the occassional side stitch here and there. Sometimes on the left side, sometimes on the right. A couple of deep breaths and running slower did the trick and the stitch would go away without me needing to stop.But the past week and a half has been different.
It started last Monday during my long run. I had been running for about 15', when i felt this really sharp pain on my right side like i hadn't felt before.It was so intense, that for the first time i actually had to stop running and walk. So i walked for a couple of minutes,felt it go away, started running again, still there. And i walked some more and tried running again, still there. So i gave up and went home.
Wednesday it happened again. Exactly the same spot, about 10' after i started. I was determined not to give up this time, so i slowed down, and i did everything i normally do when i get stitches.It didn't help. With every step with my right foot, sharp pain on my right side.Going up and down sidewalks was torture. But i pushed through and eventually it got less and less. I could feel it during the whole run, but at least it wasn't as painful. Friday, same thing. If i push through it, the pain diminishes, but it's still there.
At first i thought i wasn't getting enough oxygen because it was very windy last week and i had it against me. The wind died down, but i still got them. Then i thought i had my sports bra too tight. Used a looser setting, still got them.
Yesterday was my long run again. Less than 15' in my run, there it was,exactly the same spot. i was intentionally going extra slow to see if that would make a difference, and i still got one. About half way i felt the pain subside more and by the end it was almost gone.
I haven't changed anything in my posture, my technique or my pre-run eating habbits. Just one day it appeared, and nothing seems to make it not appear. I could really use some advice from more experienced runners. Should i just take a week off from running? Could that help?


  • mgalovic01
    mgalovic01 Posts: 388 Member
    I used to get them too, but haven't gotten them in a while. I don't think they can really hurt anything. They're just really painful. When I'd get them, I'd just try to finish out my run as best as I could without exacerbating the pain too much. That would probably consist of me bending over a tiny bit and kind of feeling my way as I go. Pushing through the pain is a good exercise for mental toughness. They'll eventually go away, but who knows when.
    I think they're caused by the stress from doing one thing over and over again for an extended period of time. These days I'll add things like running backwards, side skips, the shuffle run, and juke moves and cuts to my runs. I've been running before the sun comes up, so not a lot of people are out. A cell phone flashlight provides better visibility and makes me more visible as well.
  • Bluepegasus
    Bluepegasus Posts: 333 Member
    You need to control your breathing, stitches are usually caused by breathing too fast and too shallow. Really concentrate on making sure your breathing is nice and deep and slow, even if that means slowing down your pace a bit.
  • getupforchange
    getupforchange Posts: 86 Member
    Did you change your route? I used to run in Richmond Park a lot and never got stitches then tried running in the city centre and I subconsciously changed my breathing because I was aware of the bad London air, something I completely didn't think about in the park.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I have to alter my footing to the other foot when it happens.

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    edited March 2017
    Work on your breathing...make sure you are breathing in/out fully (as in all the way to your diaphragm expanding and contracting). (As Bluepegasis said above, shallow breathing will cause them).
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Side stitches can also be a result of dehydration. Are you well hydrated? It's very easy to get dehydrated in the dry, cooler months. It may also be caused by a change in your form. Is there something that has been bothering you that might have caused you to change your running form?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'd veer towards hydration levels. Not specifically what you've consumed on the move but your general hydration.

    Given the distances you're currently running the breathing suggestions don't really stack up.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    The thing is , it starts almost immediately. Today,less than 10' into my run.I'm not tired at all at that point, so my breathing is pretty even and regular.I haven't changed anything in my routine/route/running/breathing technique. I'm starting to think it has nothing to do with running, and i might just feel it more when i run. Yesterday and today i also got it while i was walking the dog in the morning, very mild but noticeably there. I'm wondering if it is related to a hand muscle pain i've been having these past couple of weeks. It's also my right hand and it has also been affecting my lower right arm.Too many coincidences?
    Well today like i said it appeared very early on, but it wasn't too severe so i kept going at my normal speed. By the end i could barely feel it.
  • xjulesjx
    xjulesjx Posts: 75 Member
    You need to keep hydrated. Usually a sign of dehydration when exercising.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Just thought i'd let everyone know, the pain is gone and so is my hand pain. I'm guessing they were probably connected through a nerve or something like that.Once my hand got better, my side stopped hurting too.