Getting back to health after cancer treatment

Hi everyone. I just started on here today. I have spent the past two years being treated for breast cancer and I'm now completely physically and emotionally battered but determined to turn that around and reclaim my health. Anyone out there in a similar situation or any mums just starting out? I'm 33 and live in UK. Lisa xxxx


  • Chris_B89
    Chris_B89 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Lisa, firstly well done on your fight - it's a tough thing to go through. I had three years of treatment for leukaemia which also left me absolutely exhausted, and I gained four stone during that time. I'm now fitter and stronger than I have ever been, and only 10lbs over my pre-cancer weight.

    Good luck on your recovery, it can be done!
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks Chris, that's encouraging to hear. You've done an amazing job, you should be really proud xx
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
  • bellabella1983
    bellabella1983 Posts: 62 Member
    I am going to add ya ...
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Bump... come on...where are all my mamas?
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hi Lisa im sorry you had cancer and are feeling worn down
    In 2015 I had a miscarriage fell pregnant immediately but hemoraghed 4 times leading to soild bedrest for 4 mounts I was 5 months pregnant with Lily ingot really sick was told by midwife doctor and consultant it was pregnancy sickness ???? This was baby no 4
    My waters broke taken to hospital I had sepsis BAD very bad it's a quick killer
    Induced nothing happened so I had an operation and woke up in intensive care was warned it could happen I lost 8 pints blood had 8 transfusions
    Fast forward 2 months I hemoraghed several times until I was so ill rushed to a&e recuss
    3 more blood transfusions

    I know it's not the same but I've been where you are scared I'd die I nearly did exhusted as my body was so ill I couldn't walk more than 10 minutes before I feel sick a and weak

    I then embarked on very low calories meal replacements got sick again thought I had lung cancer I didn't but I was incredibly ill

    So I ended up losing 63lbs with my extreme dieting
    I then gained 38 lbs back through illness

    So I restarted again and if you'd like a friend please add me

    Just take it slow as time soon passes and the losses add up quickly exercise if walk as that's what I'm doing now as I'm not fit enough to do more xx

    I'm from the UK too
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    Bless your heart sweetie. You have gone through a lot and come out a survivor. I am so sorry for what you have had to go through at such a young age. Stay strong!
  • samantha_harris5
    samantha_harris5 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Lisa. I've also just started here. Survived breast cancer and have been clear for 2 years now. Struggling so to lose the weight I gained. Have really good days and then really bad bad days.

    We can definitely do this. Hope we can keep this chat going.

    I'm from Cape Town SA
  • Ngegee
    Ngegee Posts: 35 Member
    Best of luck in your future journey
  • omakase619
    omakase619 Posts: 226 Member
    Op I'm gonna pray for your health and hope that you keep a positive attitude during your struggles. We will root for you always.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks for the lovely responses everyone. I've sent a few messages and friend requests. Anyone else out there on the survival train, Feel free to join in. I guess we've all survived something <3
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lisa, well done with your fight against cancer. Best of luck with your fitness journey. Will keep you in thought and prayer.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,943 Member
    Not in the group you're looking for (neither mum nor just starting), but just wanted to give you a shout out:

    Good for you, getting on here and committing yourself to the work of reclaiming normal life!

    I had stage III breast cancer over 16 years ago (age about 44 then), and it's still vivid how I felt after - glad the treatment was over, but not quickly back to myself. I learned that I really needed to work at feeling strong and healthy again.

    The good news is, it works. For me, gradually ramping up physical activity to get stronger and more energetic was a key factor . . . with the added bonus that research is showing that regular energetic exercise reduces our chance of recurrence.

    Wishing you the best!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Survivor here also! Add me if you like! You got this!
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    You've definitely inspired me Ann and it's so good to hear how well you are and that cancer is a good 16 years behind you. Amazing x
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    Hi you! I am 16 years post breast cancer diagnosis. My life became so much sweeter post cancer....I hope the same for you too! You are a beast for being here on this forum now and you are giving yourself such a wonderful gift!!!!! Go for it every single day. You will not regret it. Much respect to you young and beautiful lady!
  • mmmrainey
    mmmrainey Posts: 8 Member
    LearningToFly and
    Hi Lisa. I've also just started here. Survived breast cancer and have been clear for 2 years now. Struggling so to lose the weight I gained. Have really good days and then really bad bad days.

    We can definitely do this. Hope we can keep this chat going.

    I'm from Cape Town SA
    Bump... come on...where are all my mamas?

    I am a momma with grown I can help out and also survived a 3 year ordeal 3 major ops so yes lets do this ~ have a great day and hope you will be friends
  • mmmrainey
    mmmrainey Posts: 8 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Hi Lisa im sorry you had cancer and are feeling worn down
    In 2015 I had a miscarriage fell pregnant immediately but hemoraghed 4 times leading to soild bedrest for 4 mounts I was 5 months pregnant with Lily ingot really sick was told by midwife doctor and consultant it was pregnancy sickness ???? This was baby no 4
    My waters broke taken to hospital I had sepsis BAD very bad it's a quick killer
    Induced nothing happened so I had an operation and woke up in intensive care was warned it could happen I lost 8 pints blood had 8 transfusions
    Fast forward 2 months I hemoraghed several times until I was so ill rushed to a&e recuss
    3 more blood transfusions

    I know it's not the same but I've been where you are scared I'd die I nearly did exhusted as my body was so ill I couldn't walk more than 10 minutes before I feel sick a and weak

    I then embarked on very low calories meal replacements got sick again thought I had lung cancer I didn't but I was incredibly ill

    So I ended up losing 63lbs with my extreme dieting
    I then gained 38 lbs back through illness

    So I restarted again and if you'd like a friend please add me

    Just take it slow as time soon passes and the losses add up quickly exercise if walk as that's what I'm doing now as I'm not fit enough to do more xx

    I'm from the UK too

    I love the UK and the people from I have tons of freinds from ... please lets be friends i have survived a lot to and was looking for friends to help if you like i would love to be friends
  • mmmrainey
    mmmrainey Posts: 8 Member
    Surviving 3 maj. ops. a homey now ... and really need the help too ... I am so sorry about your ordeal and the ordeal of others but we got this and "WE CAN TOGETHER" ... I too struggle, and am learning to live again ... persay and need all the help I can get but it takes a we not a ME thanks please anyone I will be friends and would love all the friends I can get! I exercise and I am learning about eating healthy not dieting for that word is awful! I will gain if I diet but if i learn to eat healthy one meal at a time then I can win this~ friends together will make this forever~ I do believe that...
  • Cincypsych
    Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
    7 year survivor here. Also a Momma, but my kids are 20 and 17! Turning 50 in April and am trying to find a way to not spend the next 50 years with this weight gain/loss cycle
  • jnewfromthelou326
    jnewfromthelou326 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Lisa! You are my inspiration. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer a week ago. Luckily it appears to be Stage 1 with no mass but I'm still in the info gathering stage. Had my MRI today b/c of dense breast tissue. That was fun! I'm praying I'll have lumpectomy with radiation. Waiting on my BRCA results, as well. Lord. This is STRESSFUL. So, you along with the other survivors inspire me. I feel very alone and conflicted right now. I would LOVE to communicate with you all! <3