FitBits: worth the hype?

I've been talking myself out of getting an Apple Watch or a Fitbit because I shouldn't need a fancy Watch to keep on track right? But I can't help but wonder if it's worthwhile to get one. If you have a Fitbit or Apple Watch, what do you like about it? What don't you like about it? Apple or Fitbit?


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I have had a fit bit for years now and enjoy it. My Force died so I got the Blaze now and in addition to steps it tracks heart rate and sleep patterns. They are getting ready to launch a slim version with the heart rate monitor later this month so you my want to wait a bit. The Blaze may be bigger than you would like.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I recommend borrowing one from a friend if they will let you and trying it for a week.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    If you are going to set a goal and stick to it, a FitBit is worth it. The information is valuable if you use it, as a novelty, it's overpriced and you can get okay results using a step app on your iPhone.
  • NikkiiBaby68
    NikkiiBaby68 Posts: 55 Member
    I am getting a blaze via ups soon today i hope. I need the bigger window as i have old eyeballs lol
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    With a fit bit you pay $100 for a step counter. It's useful if you need to count your steps and sync them to various fitness apps.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
  • cbanham
    cbanham Posts: 1 Member
    I have a Garmin Vivoactive HR and I purchased a Fitbit for my mom who has had the same thoughts as you. What I really like about them is that for me it makes me accountable. Meaning I work from home so I HAVE to go for a walk in order to get my steps in. And sometimes that can be a real struggle it gives me that added push and want to improve performance levels from the week before. The other really neat feature is the sleep mode; and can provide you with some data as to the best times you sleep and what those patterns look like. I think if you are trying to see what you do (I'm a data nerd!) you will find it very effective :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,988 Member
    I say no, do not buy a Fitbit! Save your money! I had trouble with my Fitbit's quality and it ended up being a waste of time and money! I bought it new and used it religiously for about a year. Long story short - it got filled up with sweat and the screen became difficult to see and after time completely unusable. Before this happened it would randomly stop communicating to my computer, so I wouldn't get the weekly email reports, etc. that I wanted unless I rebooted it. This was annoying! :( I am not alone in having this happen. I have two coworkers who have had issues with their's. One had returned two or three (why she has continued to purchase them I am not sure). But, after my issue I decided no thanks. I have a good idea how many steps I do in a typical day and when I work out, etc. Save your money! Just my two cents... :)
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2017
    I had a fitbit charge HR (not the Charge 2). It kept breaking and did they send me a couple of replacements. I moved on to Garmin's devices.

    Fitbit will track exercise, steps, sleep, food plan, etc.. If you want to use Fitbit Aria scale it too syncs with MFP. Depending on the device you will get what you pay for.. and if you need GPS capability the Charge 2 and Blaze use connected GPS where the Surge has built in GPS.

    I am not ready for a device where I spend 250.00 and one I have I had for well over a year and happy with what it does for me. Garmin has better hardware IMHO than Fitbit.

    My husband has the Fitbit Alta, it is just a glorified watch for him really. I think he looks at the steps about once a day..
  • choklityum
    choklityum Posts: 35 Member
    I have a Fitbit Charge and now that I've gotten more serious about getting healthier, I'm loving it. I know some people want the HR monitor, but I don't consider that a necessity. The Charge also tracks sleep, which has been interesting for me. The new model that @rsclause mentioned doesn't track floors (stairs), which is something I like about my Charge. It also syncs with MFP, which is a major bonus. I don't know what app (or apps) you'd have to use with an Apple Watch to track the same info as a Fitbit.
  • KatieBaack
    KatieBaack Posts: 97 Member
    I've had the FitBit One, and it was great. Recently moved to an Apple Watch - I love the watch. I have a watch face that shows my "rings" one for my "move" (active calorie burn), one for my Active Minutes, and one for my hourly stand goal. It definitely gives me the motivation to try and close those rings every day. I like the convenience of having my notifications from my phone popping up as well. It's got a built in workout app, which could definitely stand to be improved but as the majority of my exercise is some form of walking/jogging it's adequate for my needs. It also syncs to MFP, which is nice.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I used to live and breathe by my Fitbit. Until it broke after about a year. The company gave me a replacement but it took weeks to come in the mail and in that time I got used to not wearing it. I never use it anymore.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    @melmelw03 wrote: »
    I used to live and breathe by my Fitbit. Until it broke after about a year. The company gave me a replacement but it took weeks to come in the mail and in that time I got used to not wearing it. I never use it anymore.

    You haven't lost a pound since then, I bet.

    Quit scale stalking me creepo.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    edited March 2017
    I got the Charge 2 not quite 3 months ago and I love it. I wear it all the time, except in the shower and when it needs charged. Keeping in mind it's an "activity" tracker, I track steps, floors, miles, calories burned, calories eaten, workouts, sleep, water, days I've exercised, how many hours in the day I get in my mini-hourly step goals, my weight, and my heart rate. I'm a data driven individual and I love that it gives me all this information. A lot of people don't or won't care. I also think it's stylish and I have several bands to swap out on it to go with different things. If you are going to get one, to make it worth the money, you should determine if you want all that information. There are all kinds of these devices in different price ranges. Just need to figure out how you would use it for your personal goals.
  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    I gave the Blaze I won in a contest to my 8 year old. She has a blast with it.
  • LittleLionGirl1304
    LittleLionGirl1304 Posts: 24 Member
    fitin50s2 wrote: »
    I gave the Blaze I won in a contest to my 8 year old. She has a blast with it.
    Lucky little girl lol
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited March 2017
    It all depends on the type of person you are. For me the FitBit is a big motivator to move more than I normally would - my natural inclination is to be lazy. Seeing the steps rack up and realizing I'm "this close" to a milestone will encourage me to take a few more steps just to reach that goal.

    My daily goal is 10,000 steps/day for no particular reason other than it's attainable for me if I work and push myself, and it's a lot more than I'd do if left to my own devices (I typically do less than 3000 steps per day for my normal activity). Last night I got home and had reached the 10k milestone after going to the gym. But I saw on the "Mileage tracker" I was just shy of 5 miles. So I walked more (going up and down staircases too) to reach that 5 mile mark. THEN I saw I was only 500 steps away from the 12,000 step yes, I did an additional 500 steps to meet that.

    Never would I ever have pushed myself this much without my Fitbit. I'm sure you can do the same thing with a cheaper pedometer - I tried using my phone before but would get frustrated when I'd go up 2 flights of stairs at the office for something and realize I left my phone downstairs - no credit for all those steps, lol. I like using the Fitbit to challenge my friends - we have contests to see who can walk the most in a week, in a weekend, or in a day - or simply who can reach their daily goal in a day. It is fun to be a little competitive too.

    I love my FitBit (I have the FitBit One - can't stand watches so this one is best for me).