Moms Losing 50 (Closed Group)

shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
edited 12:01AM in Motivation and Support
Okay Moms....are you ready to get started?? Reply back with a brief intro and maybe some goals you have (outside of the actual weight loss) - or anything else you want us to know and include your starting weight. Deadline is Wednesday the 20th.


  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    My name is Rhonda. I'm 22 and a mother of one little boy. My main goal is to fit back into my old clothes, :tongue: but I also just want to live healthier and feel better about myself. My starting weight was 160, but I'm currently at 154. I'm hoping to get back down to 110. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people! :happy:
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks so much for getting us started Rhonda!! Just a reminder to post your intro and starting weight by end of day on Wednesday!
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey ladies! My name is Kristen and I'm 27. Married [husband is in the military] and I have two kids. Joey (5) and Bayleigh (1). We are DONE with kids, so I am finally losing all this weight. Obviously my ultimate goal is to lose weight and get around 115-120. I want to get back into running, I used to run at least 5 miles a day! I have some upcoming 5k races and Warrior Dash in 2013 that I am training for :)

    Anyone is free to add me as well!! Good luck!
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks Kristen!

    So for me, I'm Shannon, 38, married and have a one year old daughter (Olivia). My starting weight is 198 lbs and based on my height 5'3" I should lose 70 lbs but honestly I'd probably be happy if I just lost 50. I gained 30 lbs with pregnancy, lost it rapidly and have now gained it back. We would like to try for one more child but I am so physically uncomfortable that I can't imagine getting pregnant and gaining more weight now so I've put our TTC goals on hold until at least next May. I'll be 39 then so it's kind of a gamble but my health needs to come first.

    So, where are all our other mamas??? :-)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am a sahm of 7, only 3 still at home. We did fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the 3 younger ones they are now 11,13 and 14. I lost 105 lbs about 12 yrs ago and kept it off for 4 yrs then I got sick, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroidism. Because of being sick, medication, lack of exercise and comfort eating i gained it all back. I decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired so last july I joined MFP and decided to try to do something about it. I have lost 77 lbs since then but still have a ways to go.

    my start weight is 182
    my goal is 160 and to feel better
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Oops forgot to put my starting weight hehe.

    SW: 197
    GW: 147 [-50] for now
    UGW: 115 [-80 ahhhhhhhh]
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    themommie: Thanks for joining us!

    I've send private messages to everyone who posted on my original inquiry so we'll keep this open another day or so to give them time to post their start weights and then I'll start a new thread for the group that is going forward.

    Here are a few of my thoughts for the group and I'd love to hear yours -
    1. weekly accountability - pick one thing each week that is important to you that week that you would like the group to keep you accountable for, report in daily on your progress with that one area
    2. weekly weigh-ins of course
    3. if anyone is interested in posting your measurements we could do a monthly measurement check-in
    4. challenges - this is not something I am good with so I'd be looking for someone or several folks to chime in on this if the group is interested
    5. buddies - if you would like we could assign buddies and have it change each week/each month - whatever you think you would like

    That's it for now!
  • My name is Erin and I have 2 girls ages 11 and 4. My starting weight is 174.8 and I would like to be around 125-130. One of my goals when I get to my goal weight is to get a tattoo on my lower back. I have always loved them but I was never a weight where I was comfortable getting one. I also just want to feel good in my clothes again. When I started here back in May I was 184, have lost 9lbs and as already feeling frustrated with how little I have lost. But I am not stopping. :-)
  • fjune
    fjune Posts: 27
    My name is Felicia June and I am a mom of two; 8 year old and a 6 year old. I have found myself battling with weight since my high school years and it got worse once I got pregant (twice). I do have a wonderful husband that is willing to support me but I feel as if I could use additional support. I would like to lose weight to be healthier, to look good, be more confident and to live longer.

    A main goal of mines is to have a smaller waist line, flat stomach and be able to buy/fit a little black dress. I am 5'8' so I carry my weight well. My weight is decieving as it looks like I should weight maybe 230 pounds so I know that if I lose 80 pounds, I would look really small but no too small. :wink:

    I'm ready to have fun and get this "fat" train moving. Good luck to everyone and LET"S DO THIS!

    SW: 286 (7/14/2011)
    CW: 282 (7/20/2011)
    GW: 200
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Hello all my name is Amber im currently a stay at home mom of 3 Kennedy (7) Maliki (5) and Kaegan(2). i was never really uncomfortable in my own skin until i had my first child im 5'6 and carry weight well or so ive been told but i gained about 75 pounds with my first child and never really lost it all before my second and third pregnancy. My husband and i are done having children now so its time to focus a little bit more on being happy with myself. i have some awesome tatoos i want but need to feel more comfortable before getting them.

    weight today : 217 lbs
    Goal weight- 150 lbs ( for now to see how i feel there )
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome Amber, Felicia and Erin!!
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome Amber, Felicia and Erin!!
  • rachel1496
    rachel1496 Posts: 65
    I'm Rachel, a friend of Shannon's. I'm 26 with 2 kids, Colin is 3 and Sam is 1. I do childcare for my niece(5) and nephew (4) full time during the week.

    At one point I lost 60lbs, going from 220 to 160. Shortly after I got pregnant with my son and it's all come back again over the years. My starting weight is 223 and my goal weight is 155.
  • Hi, Ladies! My name is Danielle and I'm a WAHM of two little ones Karsyn who is 3 and Brett who is 13 months.

    I will be the odd one out here as I actually only have 25 pounds to lose but Shannon has graciously invited me to join anyway. :)

    My current weight is 141ish and my goal is to get down to 115.

    I'm not so much focused on the weight as I am with the inches around my thighs and waist. I'm tired of looking 4 months pregnant all the time. My main motivation is to become more physically active and rehab my knee (injured in the military) so that I can physcially have the option of re-enlisting or apply for OCS. I'm also trying to prove to my DH that it is possible to rehab a knee injury so that he'll jump on board, too!

    Best of luck on this journey, ladies! I can't wait to get to know each and every one of you!
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    Hey my name is Christina. I am a mother of 3. I am getting married June 20, 2012 and would love to look the same way i did when i met Keith, my fiance. He has loved me when i was my heaviest which was 220 but i was a135 when i met him!! I am 30 years old but feel much older due to being overweight. I want to feel comfortable when im out in public. I want to feel sexy for my man. I also want to just feel good about my self. So far I have lost 28 pounds. I am down to 192. My goal weight is 135 but I would probablly be happy at 150. I guess we will see!!:happy:
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Woo hoo! Our little group is coming together! Welcome Rachel, Danielle and Christina!!
  • vmwelch1229
    vmwelch1229 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Everyone !!! My name is Vivian and I'm a single mom of two children, Kirsten 5 and William 1. I have recently stopped the cycle of off and on again with "the father of my children" because we were never married. When we met I was 170 and now I'm 220. I would love to be back at 155 which was my lowest weight. I'm 5"4', and would love to be healthy for my children since I'm the consistant person in their life. Sorry, I'm late with my information , but my father was in a car accident and I couldn't get online. Thank GOD he is okay with the help of airbags and seatbelts. I would really love to have people to be accountable to and have the support system I'm missing.
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! My name is Alex,25 (will be 26 on sunday) and I am a mom of 2. Nathan almost 8 months and Natalia, 5 1/2. I am 5 feet even and weigh about 184. My father-in-law just passed away last saturday and I have had a horrible week food wise with the in laws staying at my house. Eating like crazy cuz i don't want to deal with anything. I live in Lawrence MA. I would LOVE to get to 135, although to see 150 would be nice too.
  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    I definitely need to be held accountable for working out, otherwise I get lazy. :tongue:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Glad to meet everyone . The thing I need to be help accountable for is exercise. I belong to the gym but am going to have trouble going for the next month due to the kids being out of school. i am planning on doing daily walks and swimming with them.

    Tomorrow we are planning on taking the kids to the waterpark that should help me to get in alot of exercise, climbing to the top of the waterslides is exhausting. I know the kids will come back tired. What is everyone elses plans for the weekend?
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