hi, im new!

Hi, im going to be honest, im here to gain a little extra weight, but not alot, like I said just a little! Ive been struggling with my weight since october last year when I wieghed in at 13.7 stone at 5ft 3, and feeling absolutly disguisted with myself and my body even though i'd just had two children within the space of 18 months. It was at that time when I decided to change how I look, and drastic action was what i thought was needed. Over the following 7 months my life consisted of food, laxatives and vomiting, everything that went in had to come out. May this year i realised this had to stop, so I tried eating a little and keeping it inside me, which I did successfully for 7 days. Then come weigh in and i was 7 pounds heavier in just 7 days! I couldnt believe it, in all honesty it totally scared the hell out of me how quickly i gained weight on such small amounts of food. Not wanting to go back to using laxatives and vomiting, I then decided to eat even less, by this time my diet a day would consist of 10-15 haribo sweets and sips of fluids totaling up to around 200ml, I knew that everything that goes into my body will make me weigh more.
That was until Friday 15th July, finally after alot of going over things in my head and waiting I had an appointment with a specialist to help me out, I had already decided that gaining weight and eating more was the way to go, and feeling really positive about things. Im now eating reguarly, sometimes im feeling too much, but feeling good about food. Tomorrow is weigh in day, and im terrified, im terrified of the weight gain as im sure its going to be alot going by my last attempt at eating and the weight gain I had then, this time round im eating 100 times more food, so I can only imagine how much weight I have put on. One thing I know though is weighing in at 5.13 stone is not right and not normal, I look disguisting, my goal is to be a healthy 8 stone, no more and a clothes size of 6-8, at the moment a size 4 hangs off me so im wearing childrens clothes size 9-10. Thats me, weight gain from here on, wishing myself luck x


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck.
  • lauraparr
    lauraparr Posts: 112
    Good Luck Emma, that's a really moving story and interesting to read things from another perspective.
    You can do it! xx
  • Devani34
    Devani34 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome... wish you the best of success in reaching your goal(s)
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I think it's great that you have set a healthy goal and are going about it in a sensible way.
  • tkirkes
    tkirkes Posts: 121
    Emma, I hope you achieve your goal. Best of Luck!
  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    Gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight because in both occasions you must eat the right type of foods to make sure you are gaining the right kind of weight and not just fat. Good luck in your goal!