Where do I begin

Hi long time follower first time questioner im starting up on the diet train again at 31after being told by my doctors that I need to if I want kids. I have about four stone to lose and my job is an office job. I walk half an hour twice a day to and from the train station and I leave the house at 545am and not back home until 730pm. I'm not on the best salary and so on a budget too. Where do I start? I'm overwhelmed at all these ideas but nothing seems to fit my life. I plan to calorie count using mfp and any hints and tips would be great. Also please feel free to add me I need as much support as possible :)


  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    Start logging your day , calories and choose the correct macro nutrients for you. walking is great try not to cut too many calories at once and drink plenty of water, tea and coffee . just watch your sweeteners and creamers
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    • Make sure your stats are correct in MFP, including your activity level (none-exercise activity)
    • Choose a manageable weight loss rate (assume you'd like it to stay off)
    • Don't make drastic changes to what you're eating straight away, try logging what you're already eating for 2-3 days and see where you are taking the extra calories in - then you can look at ways to reduce them (such as reducing portion sizes, switching for lower calorie options, etc).
    • Don't panic about macros and micronutrients until you've got a handle on your calorie deficit.
    • Be prepared for a life-long journey instead of a quick fix.
    • If you don't already have one get a food scale - this is the most accurate way to ensure calorific intake is correct.
    • If you're logging exercise via the MFP database/machine readings without consistent heart rate monitoring be wary of the calorie burns given. Most MFP folks will recommend only eating 50% of you exercise calories back until you can get a few weeks of data to see how it affects your weight loss rate
    • Add people as friends or join groups here on the forums for accountability.
    • Read through the stickied posts on the Get Started and the General Diet boards there is a lot of useful information already here.

    Best of luck

  • lennyt91
    lennyt91 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm right there with you. I work in an office as well. I leave my house at 7am and get home about 5pm. I walk on my lunch break. I also have an exercise bike at home which I try to ride a few times a week. I have about an hour from the time I get home to when my husband gets home, so that's usually my exercise time! I sent you a friend request.