Alcohol and weitghtloss



  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    I was in your shoes. at some point you may need to decide what you want more. Might even find you need to change your friends. It's all part of growing up. I still drink occasionally but it's not like it use to be and that's just fine. all goals met.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Cheat days = cheating yourself
    You know your consuming loads alcohol calories so all your hard work is undone with the drinking
    Tbh once you are serious about losing weight you will add your alcohol calories
    It maybe worth logging all your drinks every single one it will open your eyes to what's going on etc
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    trwww wrote: »
    Yep, unfortunately weight loss and binge drinking just do not mix. The lowest calorie drinks are 100 calories a drink. If you have 8 drinks thats 800 calories, and then calories in food the night out and the next day to nurse the hangover can wipe out modest deficits and leave you at maintenance or even gaining for the week.

    If you want to keep your night out, the easiest thing to do is hard exercise 1+ hour for at least four days of the week to give you 2500 - 3000 calories for partying.

    There's alot of lower calorie drinks than 100 each spirits are 50-60 calories a 25 ml
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    I imagine like most UK students not drinking as much is probably not going to happen, I know someone mentioned 8 drinks earlier and I am here thinking haha that used to be my pre-night out drinks never mind my night out back in my 20's.

    If you're not going to cut down on the drinking (which unless you are the exception to the majority of young students is unlikely)
    • make sure not to drink on an empty stomach
    • try and have a glass of water/soft drink alternated with your booze (Sparkling water can easily look like a vodka soda if you're subject to peer pressure).
    • Spirits with diet coke/lemonade/tonic or Soda Water mixers are some of the best low calorie options
    • Leave a bottle/pint of water by your bed to drink when you get home
    • I second @STC02 bacon and eggs option the next day - I normally unintentionally end up Intermittent Fasting on a weekend as I don't usually eat until 1pm and sometimes as late as 3pm so I will usually have some sort of poached eggs on a muffin, missing breakfast means I have more calories to play with during the course of the day.
    • Continue to up your water intake the couple of days after, to help avoid water retention which tends to occur after drinking alcohol and will artificially inflate your scale readings.
    • Get some exercise in on a weekend if you can. @ahoy_m8 makes a good point about dancing your *kitten* off, I never take weekends off for exercise, so even if I am hungover (That said I rarely drink more that 4-5 drinks on a night out now) I get up and get a bit of cardio and strength training in.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    For me it's;

    - Save calories for the evening. I eat very healthy during the day and try to get a workout in.

    - Choose the right drink. You have more control over the calories with wine than with mixed drinks. Plus, the alcohol hits you slower, so you usually don't get too drunk.

    - Here in Norway, drinks are crazy expensive so it's common to have some pre-drinks at home. When I get wine, I usually get a dry white wine or a red wine with low sugar.

    - Keep a healthy snack at home for when you get back.

    And not to sound like a bore, but is it a goal to get so drunk that you are really hungover the next day? I drink until tipsy, and have a large glass of water and large glass of milk before bed, sleep 8 hours and am usually fine the next day.
  • LegallyBrunette1
    LegallyBrunette1 Posts: 8 Member
    This could have been my thread last year. I wondered where all the weight gain came from! I started law school and before I new it I was 25 pounds up... from drinking. Now I am very cautious when I go out with friends. Last weekend, I went to a casino and free drinks were definite something I partook in. That being said, I logged every sad one of them and continued on my diet. I still lost 7 pounds for the month.
  • fign8r
    fign8r Posts: 10 Member
    were u drunk when u misspelled "weightloss"? LoL (J/K) :-D
  • alicejones77
    alicejones77 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies they've all been helpful! Went out last night and drank vodka soda and blackcurrant and i only took a bit of money out so i didn't over-buy drinks! Today is a little bit harder to keep on the diet and i haven't been AS strict. was tempted to get a take-away but i'm just gunna go to the shop and grab some yummy bits instead. Staying strong ha ha !
  • ImaginePeace81
    ImaginePeace81 Posts: 7 Member
    Imo alcohol is terrible period. I had my night out once or twice a week in my twenties and thought that I could do fine with that and maintaining my weight. Which I did until at 32 I was diagnosed with liver disease. I haven't had a drink since. That was 3 years ago. I am not trying to say that going out once in awhile and having (2 at the most) is bad, I am saying that every weekend deal catches up to a lot of us. Treat your body well. Find something fun to do on the weekends that doesn't involve drinking.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    Rum and Diet Coke if you must have the booze. If want to skip the booze but still look like your participating get a club soda or ginger ale with lime. As long as nobody sniffs you drink for all they know there's vodka in it. I'm not a drinker, but most of my friends are. Sometimes you just have to fake it.