SALADS are a Girls best Friend in the Summer Time!!!

faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
edited 3:36AM in Food and Nutrition

Okay, so Im in Rockville, MD right now and the heat index is to be 115 today!!! like Whaaaa.......:noway:

So with that being said me and a couple of co-workers are going to spend this hot evening at another co-workers house who has a pool. Can you say COOL DOWN:drinker: , while at this shin-dig, I plan on being on my best behavior food wise, becasue we are having a pot luck and there will be plenty of food.

But what I am really looking forward to is the salads. Yes salad with an "s" because we are having a traditional salad and a fruit salad in which both of the ingredients in the salads hold water so you know that's a great way to stay cool and light, especially with the heat being what it is.

We need all the help we can get, and I am looking forward to it. I think I want to make some cucumber and lime water to go with that, I need to stay as hydrated as possible with the heat sucking out all my nutrients. lolol:laugh:

So tell me what is your best summer dish that helps you stay cool?

Starlet Monee


  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i love fruit salad...thats about the only kind of salad i can say i love. I have to be in the mood for a salad to eat one.
  • deeskaggs
    deeskaggs Posts: 4
    The salad I love is simple. Cucumber slices and grape tomatoes (cut in half) covered in Italian dressing.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    Here are a couple things I do. First is a dressing that is really low cal and super tasty. It originated from a cooking light magazine which had gargonzola and peacon prelins in them but we have used it with other things though blue cheese, gargonzola or feta are the best. The other one is one my mom created while doing soutbeach a few years ago. It is great and it is one you can add veggies you like to.

    Dijon Tarragon Vinnegrette
    1 lemon juiced usually 1/8 to ¼ cup of juice
    4-5 cloves of garlic
    3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
    ¾ cup water
    ¼ teaspoon of pepper
    1 teaspooon of tarragon dried
    3 teaspoons of Dijon mustard

    1. Juice lemon and place in container.
    2. Add crushed garlic, olive oil, water, pepper, tarragon, and mustard. Wisk together cover and place in fridge to allow flavors to combine.
    3. Mix well before serving

    Servings 8 2 tablespoon servings Calories 24

    Cooks Note: This goes well for most salads but particularly well with bbq steak, gorgonzola cheese and avocado.

    Garbanzo Bean Tuna Salad

    1 can of garbanzo beans (rinsed)
    1 can of light tuna in water drained
    ½ cup green onions chopped
    1 cup celery chopped
    1 medium-large avocado diced
    8 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
    10 sugar snap peas diced
    1 cup of radish slices
    1 cup of carrots chopped
    1 cup peeled cubed cucumber
    ¼ teaspoon wasabi powder


    1. Combine vegetables with tuna and beans.
    2. Mix Vinegar and wasabi powder in separate bowl
    3. Drizzle over tuna mixture and mix well

    Servings 3 at 310 calories

    Cooks Note: This is a great summer treat. You can leave the wasabi out if you are sensitive to the spice but it does add a lot of flavor.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I love my old standyby salad: any kind of greens, 4 oz. of cold turkey cut into little cubes, and a tablespoon of grated parmesan (or crumbled bleu, if I'm feeling exotic). All for just 162 little but cool calories.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    mmm i love salads! my favorite go-to salad is:

    red grapes
    chopped pecans
    chopped mesquite turkey breast
    feta cheese
    light cucumber ranch dressing

    SOOOOO good.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Sounds like you and your co-workers have a great evening planned! Enjoy!

    We eat alot of salads and I enjoy spinach with fresh raspberries, blueberries, some swiss cheese cut into cubes and pecan or walnut pieces with an olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

  • avakib
    avakib Posts: 1
    Make this - Baby Spinach with Pear, Tomatoe, Blueberries & Avadacos. Cut all those things up and toss them with the baby spinach. Make a homemade dressing (Olive Oil/Lemon/Maille, Old Style Whole Grain Dijon + salt to taste). Add chicken or salmon if you need some protein then you're done! So so yummy.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Sorry - I don't have a recipe to leave for you but I've got to save this for later... I need to grocery shop this weekend and that tuna and garbanzo bean salad sounds delish... I didn't know I could buy WASABI powder! Woo hoo!

    Gonna make this for my weekend at home!
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    Another thing I have done is:

    Light Rasberry Vinegerette
    Baby Spinach
    Sliced Almonds.

    I don't have the actual calorie count or recipe but this is super tasty. You could switch out a balsamic and add sliced trawberries for the craisins and feta for the gargonzola.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    Yeah sometimes the wasabi powder can be hard to find. Depending on where you live it may be in your regular store or at an asian food market. It is a great thing. Plus you can use it to make the paste yourself. The tuna salad is a great meal and perfect for the summer.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I love all the fresh summer fruits, but my hubby and I are on a HUGE watermelon kick right now. It's cool and sweet and 2 cups is under 100 calories. :)
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Woo hoo Rockville! I typically love spinach with feta, tomatoes, onion, and Bolthouse Farms honey mustard dressing. Their dressings are low cal and super delish.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I made a salad that was really good this past weekend and it can definitely be a meal.
    1 pkg frozen corn
    2 cans rinsed black beans
    2 tomatoes chopped
    1/2 cup chopped red onion
    1 avocado diced
    3 TBS olive Oil
    1/2 cup lime juice
    1/2 C fresh cilantro chopped
    2 TBS cumin
    1 Tbs garlic powder
    Salt and Pepper to taste
    Mix it all together. I'm just guessing on the measurements because I just wing it. Add more or less for your tastes. It's also pretty quick to make and I just let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours to let the flavors blend and the corn to thaw.
  • faithisbeauty
    faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
    @deeskaggs that actually sounds good lol
  • faithisbeauty
    faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
    @cillytilly, thanks so much for that detailed recipe I will be trying it out!! its sounds very tasty. Ive been looking for new recipe's to try so this was right on time
  • faithisbeauty
    faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
    @SweetPandora, we do and I will have to try your salad recipe just with out the walnuts and pecans since I have a peanut allergy!!!!
  • faithisbeauty
    faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
    @avakib, That sound awesome and to add the salmon to it sounds even better!!! I will try, I am a salad geek so all of these I will have to try!:happy:
  • faithisbeauty
    faithisbeauty Posts: 23 Member
    @Imarshel OMG me too, we must be cut from the same watermelon lovin cloth I eat atleast 2 cups a day, it's like the best especially in the summer time, I love the water from a fresh watermelon....Like ummmmm (mouth watering lol:heart: )
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    Glad I was able to provide specific recipes. I enjoy cooking and trying new things so I have been trying to log my recipes down since starting on here.
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