Lost 3, gained 6 kg

Hello everyone. I'm new on this forum. I started using my fitness pal and I lost 3kg in a month. I was really happy with the result because it was very hard to achieve. This weight loss also scared me a little so I stop counting exactly how many cal I ate everyday. 6 month later, I've gained 6kg. And I need some help to loose them. But slowly please. Any advice ? Thank you so much !!!


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Put your stats in MFP to lose .5 lbs a week (about .25kg). That is a deficit of 250cals from your maintenance.

    Eat the foods you like, try to eat mainly foods that will give you the nutrition you need, but allow those foods that are lower in nutrition too.

    Use a digital food scale if you are not losing at the rate you want for greater accuracy.

    If you exercise MFP expects you to eat back exercise calories. Start with 50-75% and adjust as needed to keep your deficit in line with your goal.

    Cheers, h.
  • aure19d
    aure19d Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you very much for your help :)