disgusted with myself!

So this post is aimed at myself... 100%.
I am in no way whatsoever attacking anyone and everyone's eating habits are totally their opinion. Each to their own and all that.
This is personal 100milliontrillionbillion%

I am disgusted that I put so much crap into my body. I eat so much rubbish especially in the evenings after having a really 'good' day with food.. i always manage to stay in my calorie amount which is wonderful but why oh why do I put so much crap into my body... i should be worshiping it. i eat crisps, chocolate, bread and sweets. ugh how awful.
I have always been into having a really natural diet but it gets to about 4/5pm and i wanna stuff my face with all of these terrible foods.

Soooo I am going raw. Well gradually raw... I want to have a natural diet I don't want to put rubbish into my body. I can't have my diet bringing me down i need to feel 100% clean and natural :)


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I say take it slowly. A raw diet can be great but also really hard psychologically. (Not a good time to file for divorce!!!) LOL

    What I find interesting is why you eat rubbish after 4/5 pm? You would not be doing it if it didn't gave you something you are missing. Going at the bottom of the problem is the only way to take care of it instead of putting a bandaid.

    Good luck
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    I do the same thing. I'll eat fruits and veggies all day and then after work go home and eat a ton of snacky foods that are not necessary. I did really bad today cuz I gave into temptation, but most days I am good until early evening.
  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    Don't beat yourself up. And I understand how you feel. Ever since I started eating correctly or better, I find the foods I used to eat not as edible. But just know that was the past, you're going to eat better. It's not good to hate yourself for any reason, that will only inhibit you from succeeding in eating better since you'll have those feelings. It's okay to have sweets or other things in moderation but they shouldn't be the main food in your diet. (: Change one eating habit at a time. That will work best.
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    Good luck, I understand how you feel. I am the same way. Trying to do better. Just take baby steps and you will reach your goal!!
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    i do the same...and then i feel guilty and start promising that i will do better tomorrow....
    but i find that when i eat good during the day...enough i mean i do not go crazy in the evening..and water ...when you are full of water and well hydrated u are less likley to binge ..
    easier said than done though!

  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    I am the exact same way, I do so well during the day, but once I am off work, I dont want to cook, I call the hubby and want to pick up something thing on the way home, eat too much and I am so pissed at myself at the end pf the day.. I am REALLY trying to just not be too stressed out about it.. eat good filling but healthy foods so that when I get home I am not craving the bad stuff.. I know its a struggle but the will must fight these stupid cravings!!!
  • When temptation strikes do jumping jacks, jumping squats or lunges until it passes. If it hasn't passed by then at least you've burnt some calories! Or just drink a half pint of water :)
  • that's awesome that you ar going raw! It takes so much dedication and planning. And it's so good for you too!I also have sweets and all that crap. But I have tried to cut them out of my diet without success of weightloss and have found myself binging on then days later. So I've made room to include them in my diet. I'm too in love with chocolate to give it up and lifes too short for me not to enjoy it! I still stay in my calorie range and am still losing weight so it's a win win for me since I know I wouldn't beable to stick to the plan without them. I don't have them everyday but it's def every other day. Keep up the good work and good luck!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    If you want to go raw, please do it slowly, I ate that way for a while and let me tell you it really effects your life, just like being vegan, you have to watch everything you put in your mouth, it can take days sometimes to plan and prepare a recipe. You don't get a hot meal anymore. Not very restaurant friendly. It is very difficult but there are some very good raw books out there to help you out. On the upside my body felt great and I could feel the energy the food gave me after I ate it. Downside, no one else ate like that and after a while I lost my appetite because sometimes I didn't feel like eating raw.
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks all! I have been researching the raw food vegan diet for a long time and totally feel that the time is right.
    I just wanna be the best I can be and I feel that this is going to help me excel :)
    I am already a vegetarian but eat tinned salmon and tinned mackerel and hardly eat any processed foods apart from chocolate, sweets, bread and crisps so i think i will do ok... I know it's gonna be tough... I will be doing it gradually though :)
    To be honest I think it is boredom why I eat all of these things I don't particularly enjoy them and ALWAYS feel guilty after having them so i think cutting them out completely is gonna be the best.
    I'm sort of a bit obsessive... all or nothing haha!
    Wish me luck :)
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I'd say - step 1, remove those foods from your house. And perhaps allowing for small indulgences (they don't have to be "crap" indulgences either) throughout your day... a piece of dark chocolate, etc. That way you don't feel so deprived and binge at the end of the day.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by crisp, but whole grain bread, dark chocolate in moderation is good for you. I'm trying to watch the sweets too because I do have a sweet tooth. Watch portion sizes and maybe try to eat things like dried fruit to satisfy the sweet tooth. You can do this! Small steps will get you there.... I'm having to do it this way too.
  • You can do it, stay on target, dont give in to those little junk food devils on your shoulder just brush them off & say to yourself "I can do this", stay strong & good luck, we are all here for you.:smile:
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I was having major munchie attacks in the afternoons...and found that switching my workout to the afternoon helped me curb my eating/snacking in the later hours. Of course some days will be better than others...and aim for as much live food as you can!
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    I had this problem for years then one day I sat down and said OK Anne what's up. This is either emotional, physical or spiritual. In the end I found this to be all three. The stress of the day had finally wore me down and I had not eatten in a way good for me. I personally need my carbs and protiens early on or my gas tank becomes empty. Emotionally..this was the same time my dad came home which wasn't always good. I would have alot of anxiety over was it going to be a good or bad time. So I changed and started making sure I planned something relaxing just for me around 4-5 :) Spiritually..I was beaten up. The day would start with Thank you Lord I'm alive to just take me home NOW! I looked back and all through the day I just became busy busy busy so busy I didn't have time for God anymore. so yes tank was on empty. Combine all three and you would see pizza hut come driving up! Not anymoreThank God! I hope you can find what causes this time of day to be hard for you :)
  • nxcguy
    nxcguy Posts: 15 Member
    dont sweat it. it will only make it worse. start using this to track you food intake and after 4 or 5 good days in a row its you should not feel as bad about a extra cal day. and according to some it is better to have 1 over cal a week then not. i also have a hard time not over eating when i get home from work. just get lo cal snacks pickle ( you could starve to death trying to over eat on pickles.) or many other foodsl i make the bigges salad you ever saw for at night takes over 30 min to eat. good luck
  • bethany675
    bethany675 Posts: 44 Member
    Not sure about you guys but I have a hard time saying NO when it's at the house so......I leave it at the store. If I don't buy it, I don't eat it!

    Last night I went out for ice cream. A friend said we could get a 1/2 gallon and toppings at the store, I said, "no b/c then I will eat the entire container the rest of the week". No reason you can't have any....just make it easier on you!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean by crisp, but whole grain bread, dark chocolate in moderation is good for you. I'm trying to watch the sweets too because I do have a sweet tooth. Watch portion sizes and maybe try to eat things like dried fruit to satisfy the sweet tooth. You can do this! Small steps will get you there.... I'm having to do it this way too.

    Crisps in the UK are what you call chips.
  • It actually looks like you've been doing fab this week! Monday was your only bad day! We can be human, right? I have good and bad days too. Don't be so hard on yourself girl. You are doing great!
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    It actually looks like you've been doing fab this week! Monday was your only bad day! We can be human, right? I have good and bad days too. Don't be so hard on yourself girl. You are doing great!

    Thanks I have been trying really hard but been thinking about the whole raw food thing for about 2 years now so I think I am just gonna go for it :) thanks all you lovely people will let you know how i get on :)