I am addicted to food.....and soda.....



  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I'm a boredom eater and what I find that helps me with my eating is drinking a lot of water, I have big cups which I measured out equals three cups of water and I drink that every morning before breakfast, which curbs my appetite for breakfast. I still eat a decent amout of food, but instead of eating 3 or 4 waffles with peanut butter and syrup; I only eat 1 maybe 2. But I keep drinking water throughout the day and snack on snap peas and carrots. I like hummus with my veggies so I measure out my hummus to one or two servings, because if I don't I can eat a whole container which is way more fat than a person needs per day. I've also been drinking a vitamin water Zero everyday as well because it tricks my bodies craving for sugar.

    someone made a comment earlier about how their not hungry when they work out, and for me that is true as well, but your body keeps burning calories after your done working out, so having some protein after you workout will help keep you full till your next meal or even help you to eat less for your next meal so your hunger doesn't hit you all at once.

    I hope this helps!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    The hunger goes away after you stick with the eating smaller meals for a while.. Right now your stomach is streached out from eating (for instance) 3 hamburgers at once.. so now unless you eat three hamburgers there is going to be room left over in there and that will cause you to be hungry,...

    after a few weeks of eating smaller meals more often through out the day, your stomach will begin to shrink, and then pretty soon, a sandwich and a piece of fruit will be enough to make you stuffed...
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    My mantra is: Protein, Fiber, Water. Protein, Fiber, Water! :)

    Also.. eat when you are hungry!!!! Have a small snack.(I have a protein shake or a cup of yogurt). It might not fill you up but it will tell your brain that you are still feeding your body and it doesn't have to store the next meal as fat.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    On the Soda part, if youve been drinking it for years you CAN go cold turkey, I always fail at that. I just reduce reduce reduce, now Im down to a can a day typically
  • EmilyDClark
    I try to stay on a schedule...for breakfast I load up on carbs and protein...try to stay under 400cals...in between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner...I will eat either whole almonds, carrots sticks, fresh fruit, or lowfat yogurt...I can usually stay under 100cals ..then dinner...packed with light meats and a ton of fresh veggies...with no carbs...I can usually keep it under 450cals..and if I have enough cals to spare a skinny cow for dessert!

    I too was addicted to Pepsi...for almost 20 years I would drink anywhere from 2-5 a day... I went cold turkey in December 2010...I can't stand the taste anymore....You can do it! I do drink at least 72 ounces of water throught the day.

    For portion control - I will put in front of me the amount that is recommended on the nutrients guide - and only eat that. If you are still hungry...fill your stomach with water. For dinner or prepaired meals...try putting your dinner on a salad plate instead of a dinner plate - that has helped me!

    Most of the time it is mind over matter...Keep on Keepin on. Stay Strong! :wink:
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    Lots of veggies and protein. I also love protein shakes they help with hunger! I eat oatmeal with peanut butter in it for breakfast and that helps with hunger I think. Check out my food diary if I like.

    As for soda, I drink one or two a week and that's on my cheat day. I drink water or tea the rest of the time. And have a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Drink more water, eliminate unhealthy choices from your home, eat slowly so your body registers when it is full, write down what you eat and when. Do you watch TV while you eat? If so, you might be distracted from your food and are therefore eating without thinking. Acknowledge that you have cravings and need snacks, just find suitable healthy replacements that will satisfy you.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Don't eat empty calories! Chips will not fill you up, but veggies and fruits will.
  • sweetgirl3283
    I have the same problem... I am ALWAYS hungry. I recently found that lots of fiber has helped keep my hunger at bay. I take fiber supp. as well as eating foods high in fiber along with LOTS of water and I've noticed that my eating has been cut in half!

    what kind of foods have fiber in them?