Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Californiagirl_07
    Californiagirl_07 Posts: 4 Member
    Support is always good also can someone explain how mfp works im new dont really understand it. i had cc since 2013 and used that app.
  • marandam15
    marandam15 Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely looking for some awesome support!
  • docchalmers
    docchalmers Posts: 2 Member
    I could also use some motivation ..
  • MisfitPaws
    MisfitPaws Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, I'm back in the groove and would love some motivation buddies :smile:
    IJNIPA Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, yes, yes !!!!! Add me please !!!! Need motivation every day !!!!
  • jordiblu
    jordiblu Posts: 145 Member
    you can add me I love sharing TIPS and open diary
  • bbop10
    bbop10 Posts: 59 Member
    On a weight loss journey and working on kicking some major butt. B) Feel free to add if you're on the same boat! :) Let's do this!!!
  • bashfulgemini
    bashfulgemini Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all, feel free to add me, looking for motivating friends
  • jt13279
    jt13279 Posts: 6 Member
    please add me. am a good motivator and need some myself :)
  • tonses
    tonses Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me - I have been active for the last 6 months and have immensely benefited from the motivation I've got from all the folks in here! Looking to help others stay focussed :smile:
  • Josh9706
    Josh9706 Posts: 37 Member
    Anyone can add me, I'm active on here daily, even on my off day. More than willing to share my workouts and thoughts on any questions. I post motivational paragraphs on my views that have helped me and countless others 3-4 times a week. I workout 6 days a week with Mondays being my off day. I hope to hear more from everyone and be along for their journey as they are also along for mine.
  • jtperrz612
    jtperrz612 Posts: 2 Member
    Could always use motivated people to keep me on track to my goal
  • QEberhardt
    QEberhardt Posts: 10 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me. I know a lot about exercise ranging from all kinds of cardio to free weights. I also have pretty extensive nutritional knowledge. Would love to share it or just help out any way I can. I also just want some new buddies to talk to on here.
  • slbrooks_33
    slbrooks_33 Posts: 2 Member
    I could use some friends. This journey isnt easy. Feel free to add me!
  • ldeslauriers
    ldeslauriers Posts: 9 Member
    Me, me! I always need new friends and support partners!
  • lorepres
    lorepres Posts: 27 Member
    You can add me....anyone can add me. I need the motivation. I have no idea how to add any of you. Still figuring it all out.
  • lucy_ac
    lucy_ac Posts: 13 Member
    Always open to more friends! 15lbs down, 5 to go. Need to kick start a fitness regime so extra motivation wouldn't go a miss :)
  • Robotscallmecoty
    Robotscallmecoty Posts: 24 Member
    Been on MFP for years. Since 2012 and I have had progress and regress, just trying to make a concerted effort again. Deleted all my old friends who gave up on me and starting fresh. Starting weight 255 (2012) Current weight 258, Lowest weight 228 (2016) Highest weight 264.
  • DoikIto
    DoikIto Posts: 22 Member
    Always looking to make more positive friends! The best way to weight loss is with people who support you. Anyone, feel free to add me :)
  • moniquemallarifitness
    I would love more friends! Feel free to add me!