Ladies, do you lack of motivation during your periods ?



  • mandy_godfree
    mandy_godfree Posts: 71 Member
    Nope. I just do my thing. My biggest issue is knowing what feminine product to use (pad vs. tampon) because my flow is so wonky.

    @DancingMoosie Try a Diva Cup. They are fantastic!

    Or same thing different brand Mooncup
  • bowsontoes
    bowsontoes Posts: 44 Member
    I lose diet and exercise motivation about two days before and two days during. My obygyn says working out helps relieve cramping and PMS symptoms, so I try to do at least very light elliptical workouts. He also said the muscles in your abdomen relax very slightly, which I always remember when I'm about to beat myself up when my pants put up a fight.

    For food, I try to schedule treats so I don't go off the rails. Eating is emotional for me, so having chocolate and wine and complaining to my dog that periods suck is a nice indulgence for me. The best is when I avoid a lot of salt, I tend to bloat a lot of my periods so I can uaullly remind myself how uncomfortable it is and I avoid the chips (althought not always!)
  • ashleybarnette2013
    ashleybarnette2013 Posts: 12 Member
    aure19d wrote: »
    Hi ladies,
    I was wondering if there are girls that feel lazy and lack motivation during their periods because it happens to me all the time. A way to fight against it ?
    No , I take it as a personal attack lol when I get bloated and icky feeling I workout even harder I kinda get mad because I have lost 150lbs and when my pants are tight that freaks me out
  • margotlovesyou
    margotlovesyou Posts: 102 Member
    I Just get on with it, once I'm in the gym I'm happy to be there :) Pre-pack your gym bag the night before so you can just grab it and fly out the door before you have time to convince yourself not to. I also drink a tonne of herbal tea or chai tea with almond milk to try and ward off period cravings. Mostly works :)
  • appleb0tt0ms
    appleb0tt0ms Posts: 6 Member
    I thought it was only me. Low energy, depression, hate everything feeling. Feel bloated and huge.

    Are there supplements we can take to feel better?

    Yes please! I need answers cuz I feel all weak and back achy. What can I take to boost me up during this time
  • theemsicle1986
    theemsicle1986 Posts: 20 Member
    I know when I'm due on because about a week before I crave Pringles - and I never never never eat those normally. Anything fatty and salty. I'm terrible. Hate it!!!
  • metalmeow1
    metalmeow1 Posts: 111 Member
    .oO(Guys experience cramps, bloating, and monthly hormonal changes as well. Everyone experiences times where they feel physically/emotionally unwell or unmotivated. It may be worse for women, but men die faster so they'd probably trade for PMS :D)

    I tend to get really nauseated and/or fatigued. Usually I just drink a lot of water and rest. I definitely stick to my caloric deficit (no reason not to?) Things have changed since I was a teenager. I'm 30. My symptoms have gotten much worse but chocolate cravings are gone almost entirely... While I'm 1,000% more "friskier!" No one ever warned me about the "friskiness" increase o_O!!!!! Warning to you young gals. Expect it!!
  • metalmeow1
    metalmeow1 Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2017
    I thought it was only me. Low energy, depression, hate everything feeling. Feel bloated and huge.

    Are there supplements we can take to feel better?

    Yes please! I need answers cuz I feel all weak and back achy. What can I take to boost me up during this time

    PMS cramps/bloating/pain: Pamprin and Midol are common PMS medications (that never worked for me, so I just take a cap of Nyquil. It kills pain fast!)

    PMS health/pain: I eat more iron (I get super weak and light-headed.) I swear by Fish Oil for back pain and joint aches. You may also consider purchasing a heating pad (my boyfriend bought it for me almost a decade ago, I lectured him for wasting money :D until I actually used it and my lower back felt amazing. I've thanked him hundreds of times through the years since then. I just lie down on it for a little while until the pain subsides and muscles untense. #Best$20EverSpent #Heaven #NextBestThingToLongBubbleBaths)

    PMS energy/mood: Lots of sleep. I drink water or energy drinks for B6/B12 etc. Pamper yourself (paint your nails, try new perfumes/lotions or your relaxing equivalent.) Snuggle with your partner/pet/child. Indulge that sweet tooth (just don't go crazy!) Break out your "comfy/frumpy" clothes to ease bloating irritation.

    I hope this helps :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Ladies, do you lack of motivation during your periods ?


    For whatever reason (no one has figured it out), exercise tends to trigger my periods to start and has done since my early 30s. About 20 years. So I will often have 2 periods each month, and the mid-cycle one will usually start right in the middle of a long distance bicycle ride. I'm not about to stop in the middle of a long distance bicycle ride to pamper myself or whatever, I just keep going. And I can't stop training just because my period is due.

    That said, if there is a "rest day" in my training schedule then, I'll take it.

    I also only get pre-period cravings when I'm at the higher end of my normal BMI range or overweight. When I'm lighter, I don't get those cravings. I don't think I burn any extra calories around my period time so not eating anything extra is probably a good thing. :)
  • sbrya03
    sbrya03 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't think about craving I keep my eyes on the prize I usually walk Tilly craving Is gone
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't usually put too much stake into motivation as far as weight loss goes, so that's irrelevant for me. As for eating within calories, I don't find it any harder during my period. Before my period, though, that's a completely different beast. I'm so hungry then, I find it a struggle to even keep my calories within maintenance. As for exercise , I don't do any for the first 2-3 days because I'm on narcotics that make it kind of dangerous for me to step on the treadmill. No big deal. 3 consecutive days off is a nice gift for my joints and a welcome monthly break.