
Ok so when I got with my husband I was active,built and 30 # lighter. I keep asking him to help me and support me, he says he will, but doesn't. So when he left town for 6 weeks I decided to workout and eat healthy every day! And I lost about 5 #. Well now that he is home I have gained that weight back and only worked out twice in a month. It's like he sucks all the motivation out of me! I don't know what to do?! :(


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    How does your husband not support you? Does he stop you from exercising? Does he make you eat more?

    This is your journey. Make time to exercise, as he makes time to do his own hobbies. Monitor your meals and portions. You can still eat the same things but in different proportions. For example, he has a large helping of casserole, you have a smaller, measured proportion of casserole and a large side of steamed veggies.

    You can do this.
  • justonemorestone
    justonemorestone Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate to this. My husband became obese after taking a year and a half from work with what was initially depression and is now low motivation and anxiety. He eats terribly, hardly leaves the house and has no interest in becoming healthier. I don't think that he intentionally sabotages my diet but bringing loads of rubbish food into the house certainly doesn't make my life easy. It's also really hard to keep up general activity levels when your significant other has no interest.

    The only advice I can give is to be really clear on why you are doing this and use this to stay motivated. I know that my own anxiety is much better when I exercise 2-3 times a week, and I have much more energy to do other things when I'm eating well. Generally I'm happier. The weight loss is almost incidental. This is what keeps me going, despite my husband's behaviour.
  • vanessy7
    vanessy7 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks. He wants to eat out a lot. And I just lose all motivation when I come home and see him sitting on the couch watching tv. We usually do everything together so I guess that's why it's so hard.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    My husband and I work together and also do a lot of stuff together outside of work. We're best friends. Except that I work out every morning and always have made it a priority. He doesn't do much exercising. We also don't eat the same meals. When we go out, I bring half my portion home for the next day. You really can do everything together, and still make this work for you.