My fitness pal vs. Weight Watchers

Just want to know if anyone has tried both apps and which program (Fitness Pal or Weight Watchers) had better results?


  • voyerboyzmom
    voyerboyzmom Posts: 3 Member
    Don't waste your money!!! Was successful with weight loss in the past going to WW meetings. You just don't get the same support online. I signed up for three months because I've gained some weight back. Hate it and hate the new plan they have now....I gained weight! My Fitness Pal is free and much more useful.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I came to MFP because I'm currently unemployed, at my SW, I had 124 lbs to lose, and the WW meeting fees were an expense I didn't need. My doctor told me an existing medical condition (lousy lower body circulation) would be helped if I took some weight off and when I explained my situation, he pointed out the obvious that had been eluding me: I don't NEED WW to lose weight.

    I found MFP while Googling for an online calorie counting guide, joined up and 130 days and 41 lbs lighter, I can say I'm having great results. (And from what I've read in some other threads about WW, their current program probably would be a bit onerous for me. I realize that the people who find it great aren't necessarily here posting about it; they're doing the program. But bottom line... even if WW would work for me, MFP is free and it works too!)
  • catalyst4514
    catalyst4514 Posts: 11 Member
    I've spent most of the last year struggling with WW new program. I see people that have fantastic results there, but I am not one of them. The SmartPoints program is fairly restrictive. I'm a diabetic on insulin so I'm also counting carbs separately. Decided it's much easier to count once at MFP and be able to see true nutritional values of the foods I eat.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I've both atm
    Tbh I don't like ww anymore too restrictive no carbs but free fruit which had carbs
    Every year they bring a new way of eating as its a business
    Cico is best way
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I've used both. I've succeeded at both. And failed as well. Its your own mindset that makes the difference.