Calling all teachers!

Hi y'all!
I just graduated college in December and took my first teaching job in January! After a hectic first quarter, I'm getting into the swing of things and now it's time to improve my health and wellness. Gotta combat all the germs the kiddos love to share haha
Any other teachers out there?
Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other to get moving after a long day at school and to resist the candy bowl at staff meetings :)


  • Don't put the Kleenex box on your desk. They will blow germs all over your desk! Lol!
  • sarchrithe
    sarchrithe Posts: 4 Member
    Don't put the Kleenex box on your desk. They will blow germs all over your desk! Lol!

    Hahaha good advice; thanks!
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I was. To stop the high school students from touching all my stuff, I put a teddy bear cactus in a lovely pot on my desk, near where they'd first approach. It looked soft....but was deadly. They learned to stay back..... and I'd come to their desk. Otherwise "things" would go missing....