Do you have a motto??



  • RdHtMama
    RdHtMama Posts: 7 Member
    "Keep it legit; and never quit!"
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    If I want to look like a fit person, I have to act (and eat) like one.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Fatum Iustum Stultorum
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    "Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters"

    -the great Colby Cravens
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Quitting is forever
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us."
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    edited March 2017
    Work Hard... Play Hard :D;):D
  • CaladriaNapea
    CaladriaNapea Posts: 140 Member
    "I can do this. I am doing this."

    This is usually internally repeated ad nauseum while running. It goes from some type of resigned dirge at the beginning to a victory chant at the end. I have used it to get my butt in gear with weight loss as well.
  • thegoat1987
    thegoat1987 Posts: 36 Member
    "I can do this. I am doing this."

    This is usually internally repeated ad nauseum while running. It goes from some type of resigned dirge at the beginning to a victory chant at the end. I have used it to get my butt in gear with weight loss as well.

    Ha I celebrate when running too! I do a "come on!" at every kilometre and then a little dance in the street when I'm done! :D

  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    I plan on having such an awesome run, Morgan Freeman should narrate it.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    "Never give up! Never surrender!"
    - Galaxy Quest lol.

    There are some awesome mottos on here. I love it!
  • U2R2
    U2R2 Posts: 260 Member
    Not so much a weight loss motto but for life in general.

    "It's a wonderful world and we get to live in it, ENJOY"
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    It's not a motto, but two quotes I love are:

    "Every bite is a chance to start over" - I actually saw this from someone on MFP and I think it's great. You had a piece of cake when you probably shouldn't have? Oh well, it doesn't mean you need to say "screw it" and have a second piece. You had a cheat day? Oh well, try to do better tomorrow.

    Also, "I'm not a human garbage disposal" - I saw that on a forum too. I used to have a problem feeling pressured not to "waste" food. If I put too big of a portion on my plate, I'd eat it all even if I was full because it was wasteful to throw it out. But that's such a silly attitude. Putting something in my mouth just to save it from the garbage isn't actually helping anyone, it's just hurting my progress.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    "All is Well!" -- I'm not sure I can explain this one in just a few lines. I use it if I feel an urge to eat inappropriately. It calms my anxiousness, centers me, brings to mind all I can be grateful for, and interrupts negative thinking.

    It comes from the old hymn "It is Well With My Soul" written by a man who had just lost four daughters in a shipwreck. What is my small suffering compared with that?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,252 Member
    I just have a little one: "Onwards". If I'm doing well, it's a signal to keep going. If I'm wobbling a little, it's a signal to get back on track.

    Awhile back, I made myself a rustic boho-style bracelet that says "Onward". (For me, it was not weight-loss-specific, though.)


    I don't have a weight-loss/health motto per se, but do have little exhortations to myself that I repeat in my head from time to time. Some examples (which I often put into my visual journal in kinda fancy lettering with collage'n'stuff):
    • Recommit continuously.
    • Find a turning point.
    • If I want my life to change, then I have to change it.
    • If you don't want to be pathetic, don't act pathetic.
    Shortly after cancer treatment, I had a double-barreled motto: "There might not be a next year." and "Boogie 'til you puke." (The latter one was metaphorical: I'm a li'l ol' lady, for heaven's sake! ;) ).

  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    doing it for myself...
    after many attempts of quitting because my husband fell off board and we were doing it together I decided on Nov 1st 2016 that this was my motto. my husband has recently been back on board because he sees my success but if he falls off again I know I have to for me and alone
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Where would I have been by now if I hadn't given up back then?

    This reminds me not to give up again.
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day"
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    Years ago I was watching Will & Grace and Jack created an inspiring gym motto: "Stake it!" Of course the joke was that it sounded good, but was meaningless. ;)

    I like a good joke so when I really need that extra boost, I tell myself, "STAKE IT! Staaaake iiiit . . ."
  • TigerLily100
    TigerLily100 Posts: 81 Member
    I say "fit not fat" to myself in the gym all the time when the going gets tough.
    On the gym wall it says: When you're thinking of quitting, remember what got you started - I have lost count how many times I have looked at it and will continue to as I think hell yeah every time I do.
  • andrewq6100
    andrewq6100 Posts: 415 Member
    my motto that i've picked up is that "to succeed, I must set goals, smash them, REPEAT"
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    Mine has become "no excuses". I had every excuse under the sun as to why I couldn't exercise or diet. Now I just do it and don't accept excuses from myself.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Principles before personalities
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,198 Member
    que sera sera
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    I have a few but this is my favorite "Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most."
  • LisaBrown1094
    LisaBrown1094 Posts: 14 Member
    You pay now, or you pay later. But if you pay later, you pay with interest.
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