PLEASE FRIEND ME... Success comes when you are in Community!

Hey!! My name is Lizz in 2015 I lost 85lbs and I went thru a divorce and gained most all of it back... I am determined to lose the weight again but I need friends to keep me motivated even just by seeing your awesome progress on my feed we can do this let me be there to help you too!! I know I sound desperate for friends cuz I am I'm a single mom to a special needs toddler and I don't get out much so I'd love to have some online fitness friends! I have 65 lbs to lose and I know I can do this as long as I have some accountability!


  • justthe8ofus
    justthe8ofus Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Lizz, sounds as if we may be in the same boat
  • ajcrr0585
    ajcrr0585 Posts: 7 Member
    I have 45 more Lbs to lose. I am always looking for friends!
  • darbydxo
    darbydxo Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck! I will add you. I have close to that same amount to lose and am also looking for more support.
  • alliesolomon8
    alliesolomon8 Posts: 1 Member
    Lizz I'm very sorry for what you have gone through..I'll be your friend to help keep you motivated:)! I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight but I know some great tips that have helped me build a much healthier life style.
  • lulabe11
    lulabe11 Posts: 12 Member
    I completely relate to this in a sense. Lost all the weight, let it just slowly creep back on. Frustrating for sure, but I also know we can do this because we've done it before!
  • theflatpick
    theflatpick Posts: 106 Member
    Count me in! I need some motivating friends that are trying the same as I. I have about 35 to go.
  • sg4e
    sg4e Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Liz, I'm new here as well and like you back to needing to loose weight. About 5 months ago I had lost a bunch of weight, and then life changed and I gained it all back and more. Now I'm trying to loose around 85lbs. I'm not sure how to be friend people but I would be happy to be your friend and help motivate each other!
  • debbiebondklein
    debbiebondklein Posts: 158 Member
    Hi liz you can add me as a friend. Good luck on your weight loss
  • skoning
    skoning Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Liz. You can add me as we have a lot in common although a few differences. I am widowed, 68, had lost 50 pounds and gained it all back. I still have my 32 year old son at home with me who has had an eruption in his medication and I have been bingeing again. He has asbergers and mental disabilities and we cannot get medications stable. So much stress for me for so many years. I have been dealing with him for 31 years and it's been a challenge. My husband died when he was 7 years old. I don't even know what diet to go on or what food to eat anymore as I can't seem to focus on it. I'm very depressed about the gain and have become a hermit in my house again and only go out when I have to. Hope we can all find the help we need:)
  • JacquiMartin0523
    JacquiMartin0523 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Lizz! I did the same thing lost 70 pounds then got pregnant and gained it so back
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Hi Liz -

    I just friend requested you!