Losing weight feels impossible



  • icecreambecky
    icecreambecky Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2017
    I get it! It's so hard recommitting to something that you feel you've only consistently failed at! Just shoot for little, small victories. Drink a lot of water; every glass is a victory. Tell yourself you just have to say no to things three times a day; I did this, and it helps me avoid a lot of icky food and not feel too deprived. After I hit three times, I don't have to tell myself no anymore! Usually I hit this when I'm home, and then I have a small treat. Just try not to late night binge (I have plenty of experience in this arena too).

    As far as pizza goes...what is your favorite part of the pizza? For me, it's the sauce. I like to put marinara/pizza sauce with all sorts of kooky things, because it absolutely helps my pizza cravings. Just covering some veggies with pizza sauce and cheese does it for me. Or making a wrap! Or a crustless pizza bake! Go on Pinterest, it's fun to see the ways people are reinventing pizza to cut calories or amp up nutritional value.

    And I get that it's super hard when you're surrounded by people who eat #&!@ and don't gain any weight...in my college setting, it's really hard to explain to my hot 20-year-old friends that I don't have that kind of metabolism so no, I can't just "get cray" and binge drink all night and maintain my physique. I make it through that with pure, indulgent narcissism...I just remind myself that I'm working harder than them, and I'm making myself better than them, and I am much more fit, energetic, and healthy than any of them. It's kind of harsh, but it works for me :P
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    krisbusyb wrote: »
    I started on this weight loss journey last week again for the millionth time (Well it feels like it) I am exhausted already and just want to eat a pizza.

    No reason you can't have the occasional pizza if it fits your calories or even have the odd day at Maintenance. I had Dominos last night but instead of ordering a massive fatass stuffed crust large pizza and polishing it off myself in 5 mins like I used to I now order a personal pizza (7") with a side and take my time eating it. I also eat chocolate most days. Everything in moderation is a lot easier than trying to restrict yourself.
    krisbusyb wrote: »
    really have no support as my sweet hubby sits beside we and eats his chocolate and never gains an ounce. How do you stay motivated when you feel so exhausted and disgusted? Motivation lacking... ((SIGH))
    • Add people with similar goals on MFP, that has been the biggest change for me this time around.
    • Read through the forums, there is no reason to restrict stuff from your diet, it makes it a lot harder than it needs to be and a lot easier to fall off and quit.

    I have lost 17.5lbs since December, logged in for over 70 days straight and I've had one or two full weeks eating at Maintenance when I've been ill or travelling.
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    This can be done! On January 2, 2016, I was 378 Lbs. I have lost over 177 Lbs and am now at 200.6 Lbs. Close to one of mini goals of being under 200. I will not say that this has not been hard work because it has been. I am very lucky that my family is supportive of my weight loss but that doesn't mean that they don't eat pizza in front of me or ice cream or a host of other things. I just keep reminding myself of what my goals are and how wonderful I am doing and what I am trying to accomplish. I could eat a piece of pizza if I wanted but I haven't had to yet. I could eat a bowl of ice cream but I haven't because I want to keep working hard. Instead of eating when I am stressed, now I exercise. It can be done but you have to want it for yourself. I know its hard when people are around who can eat anything. When I complete my weight loss journey, I will transfer to maintenance and I will be able to adjust what I eat with proper exercise.

    I wish you all the best with your weight loss and hope that you find the success that you desire.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I made my goal to change my lifestyle. I had dieted and lost weight several times, but never stuck with it. This time around, I decided to lose the weight slowly by eating more than the 1200 calories I'd tried before. I also learned to cook well, and cook things I like so I'm not tempted to binge or just go out to eat.