New with 137lbs to loose

prittiZ Posts: 11 Member
edited March 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I decided to give this MFP a try, hoping that I will get the motivation, support and accountability to succeed in loosing this other adult I swallowed(I feel like I'm carrying another adult person in me). I was always slim and never had to worry about my physical appearance. Over the past 3to 4 years I became depressed and gained over 140lbs. Last year was the apex of it all because I hardly got out of bed. I finally woke up from bed this year and could not recognize who I had become. I could not reconcile what I was seeing in the mirror with who I was before. I've been going through all sorts of emotions; fear, anxiety, shame and just overall disgust at myself. Oh and did I forget to mention the slue of medical issues popping up here and there. On a positive note I started doing something about my problem. I'm not going to lie it's hard. Everyday I feel overwhelmed and I have to give myself a pep talk, to hang in there. My vice is chocolate cake. In some ways I blame Aldi for selling their chocolate cake for $3. I've been known to eat 2 whole cakes in one day when I'm feeling down. It's been 58days since I had chocolate cake.... I know, I'm counting. When I started my weight loss journey on feb 1st the plan was to loose 100lbs by year end. So far I have lost 10 but that happened in the first 2 weeks. For the past 4 weeks the scale has not moved, hence I am beginning to wonder if my goal of loosing 100lbs by year end is too optimistic. I can tell by my clothes I am shrinking but for some reason the scale refuses to budge isn't this too early for a plateau, I mean I just started. It's times like this, I need all the support I can get. I've been trying my best to eat healthy and be more active. I'm on a 1400 calorie diet and I drink at least a gallon of water everyday so would this scale move already... :(. Well I think I have done enough rambling for one night.. So if anyone would like to add me I would greatly appreciate it. I am in dire need of friends to encourage and motivate me. At this point I need all the help I can get. Thank you for reading this. :smile:


  • fuhmanshit
    fuhmanshit Posts: 2 Member
  • fuhmanshit
    fuhmanshit Posts: 2 Member
    I'm sure you'll accomplish your goal, good luck.
  • prittiZ
    prittiZ Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you @fuhmanshit
  • charny1980
    charny1980 Posts: 1 Member
    Never give up. Rome was not built in a day xx
  • prittiZ
    prittiZ Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you @charny1980
  • darbydxo
    darbydxo Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this!
  • sdcrisco
    sdcrisco Posts: 2 Member
    Just started today!!! Good luck to you :smiley:
  • prittiZ
    prittiZ Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you @darbydxo and good luck to you too @sdcrisco
  • Chelseas_Journey
    Chelseas_Journey Posts: 6 Member
    I just restarted a couple weeks ago and it is tough going for sure. I too have well over 100 pounds to lose. We will get there even though it feels like a long way off now
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    You've got this! Just start logging and you'll start losing in no time.
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 2017
    good luck with your target, initially it is a pain to weigh out fresh ingriedients & educating yourself to drink more water is quite hard = I am 70lbs over weight but I have a chronic deteriorating thyroid condition which makes loosing weight very hard so I stick to my daily calories very strictly & although I'm not loosing weight I'm not gaining any either, as a vegan alot of the yummy food I eat is calorie high (bananas, nuts & avocados) & I still treat myself to my weakness of a bag of crisps each day ( I used to eat about 6 bags aday), if you want friends please add me, I live in UK & the only exercise I do is walking everywhere & cycling, I HATE GYMS & STREET RUNNING, a few years ago I trained & took part in a triathlon & I was so fit & tonned (but still overweight) & despite coming last I was aged 55 at the time. take care & it will happen slowly
  • Carmenmiller0210
    Carmenmiller0210 Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it,you can do it!!!
  • angiepangie3112
    angiepangie3112 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm behind you! Back to MFP for the 3rd year running.... it does work , I just have to stop falling off the wagon once I've ot 2 or 3 stone. It is hard but if you have someone to talk to it easier! Hang in there. I'm going to take my time. I've given myself a 5lb loss per month goal.#slowandsteadywinstherace
  • dnw1956
    dnw1956 Posts: 2 Member
    fuhmanshit wrote: »

    One day at a time! If you mess up, get up and begin again! Never give up!
  • lanalee999
    lanalee999 Posts: 4 Member
    I just joined today. I had lost 60 pounds previously (about 3 years ago) and had got myself to a point where I had been more active than any other point in my life. But then one day I just stopped being as active, I don't even remember when or why but I did. Its super hard to get back into it, and I just didn't. I ended up gaining it all back. I need to get back on track because I'm starting to see it getting worse each day, especially when I decided to eat an entire large pizza the other night. :-( good. This is my first time trying an app like this with a community. Good to meet you all! We can do this!!!!!
  • FlufferCat
    FlufferCat Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2017
    You will lose some weight at first from water.Then the fat will slowly decrease.So it may be hard to tell at the beginning of a weight loss process what it's coming from.But you will lose fat.Take measurements as well as weighing yourself.It will make you feel good to seeing the tape measure changing.
    The scale weight will fluctuate.Don't get overly obsessed with it.
    Your body composition will respond to better eating,and more activity.

    I love chocolate cake too.I've done a lot of baking.I would make a chocolate cake with milk chocolate buttercream icing.But I haven't had one in a long time.
    I lived.