Unsure What To Do

Hi! I'm really struggling at the moment. I so desperately want to lose weight and be light, but I'm barely eating anything and I can see this but I'm too scared to stop. I want to lose a lot of weight so I can tone up and have it show, but I know that would mean I would need to eat more but I don't want to gain weight. Help?


  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    You should discuss this with your doctor.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    The bad thing about what you are doing is as soon as you start eating regular food you will gain the weight back. You have to be very careful as not eating food is detrimental to your health. Your goal should be to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week eating healthy and exercising. I was in the same boat as you and it work for a while, but I gained all the weight back plus more in the blink of an eye.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    Why would she gain the weight right back eating normal amounts of food? unless shes been eating VLCD for extensive lengths of time, increasing her food to a normal deficit will only result in a couple days of water weight gain

    Most people that lose weight fast usually gain it right back, it happened to me and I'll give you some examples: Bill Germanakos/ Contestant in "the biggest loser" lost 164 lbs during the show, gained 37 lbs back after the show, and the list goes on. If you don't learn how to eat properly it will be almost impossible to keep the weight off, specially if you are starving yourself to lose weight.
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    Why would she gain the weight right back eating normal amounts of food? unless shes been eating VLCD for extensive lengths of time, increasing her food to a normal deficit will only result in a couple days of water weight gain

    Also look up Ali Vincent.

  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    All I'm saying is don't starve yourself to lose weight, learn how to eat properly and exercise.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Here's the deal... you want to be successful at maintaining your weight loss. So don't rush to lose in an unhealthy manner because this teaches you nothing about how to maintain.

    Put your stats in Mfp pick a reasonable amount to lose in a week for your size. Eat at your calorie goal. Sit back and learn how to eat, be nutritious, have occasional sweets, get active. All this will set you up for a successful maintenance of your loss which is the end goal right?
  • ramonramirez1975
    ramonramirez1975 Posts: 36 Member
    And i guess my point would be... we have a girl who has possible disordered thoughts about her body image and is eating too few calories, scared to eat more and your reply makes it sound like she is going to gain all her weight back if she eats more.. shes already not thinking rationally, she is not going to take your post as anything but more fear about gaining weight.

    That's not what I meant at all. I did what she's doing two years ago and lost about 100lbs I wasn't eating in fear of gaining the weight back, until I got really sick. It took a while for me to figure out what foods I needed to cut and the amount I needed to eat. And I don't want others to make the same mistake. Now I know losing weight is a long process.