As Tatiana says.....choices

Sooooo......I was on Weight Watchers for several years and went from 250 to 205. While I was ok with my weight there....I wanted to be "thin". I decided that in my quest for health (and since heart disease runs in my family and I was still in HBP meds), I would become Pescatarian (no meat, only fish). That soon bloomed to being vegetarian. What also bloomed was my waistline. I gained back about 30 pounds over the past several years. I had forgotten what WW teaches you.....portion control and CHOICES.

So, after seeing the success of a coworker on this app, I decided to try it.

I had a little success. A few pounds here and there. I even joined a gym (shocked face) as I had enough and wanted results. Well.......after one workout, my lower back and leg were in so much pain I couldn't walk or sleep. After several doctors visits, I have a herniated disc that has wrapped around a nerve. Wheeee fun. I am on meds for now, hoping that will help.

For most people, that would get them down. And it would for me too. However, not today. This morning I woke up early and went to the gym. Walked on the treadmill on a 3.5 incline and a 4 pace for 30 minutes. Burned 167 calories and had my heart rate at 145. I know it's not much. But it was a choice I made today. I could have easily stayed in bed and not gone. I am glad I made the RIGHT choice today. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to make it 2 days in a row. Here is to seeing 190 in my future.
