Hi and need help :(

Hello everyone. I have been using this app for years but first time to the community. I am looking for support. I need help controlling my eating. Don't want any judgment. Just it's so hard because my friends and family say they will help me be accountable and they last about a week and fail lol. I know it's on me as well but hoping I can get help. Currently I am 5'3 196. Now that is a buff lol 196. But I still would like to loose weight and drop 15-20lbs. Thanks for listening and any help. Have a wonderful day everyone.


  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,862 MFP Staff
    Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community!
  • dexjanelle
    dexjanelle Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. Here from Calorie Count, after several years, because they are shutting down after tomorrow. Also, I wanted to sync this with Map My Ride which I have been using for years also. So far I'm getting along with this app. It seems harder to me to keep my favorite foods in order. They don't seem to alphabetize. Also, I always appreciated how Calorie Count always offered the ability to weigh everything in grams. I use a postage scale and that has always kept me more accurate. Using portions like "slice" "cup", to me, can result in calories being off for the day by a few hundred calories. I'm OCD on this but I like the accuracy because it means I'm truly controlling my intake and my overall weight loss rate. I also lost all my friends from there. This site, thus far, seems more difficult to find friends and support. So please help me figure that out. Thanks.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    @dexjanelle Search for different entries in the MFP food database - there are often several different ones for each type of food, and there ought to be some that give a weight in grams (or for "100 grams", which you can then enter as whatever percentage you ate). If you can find USDA entries they tend to be more accurate, but you might want to cross-check the calorie counts with some other sites for a while until you find some you're happy with. (The "verified" checkmark doesn't always mean something is correct, unfortunately.)

    You can also save groups of foods as a meal if you often consume them together, so that helps after a while to make logging faster and easier!

    @sbx2307 Welcome to MFP! It's hard for other people to keep you accountable for your eating on a day-to-day basis, but definitely reach out for support here when you need it! Check out some of the stickied threads at the tops of the various forum sections, too, there's lots of good advice on this site.

    In your other thread you mentioned eating too much at night, so I'd like to second the advice given there to save some calories for evening snacks. If you think it might work for you, you could also try one of the "intermittent fasting" methods where you only eat during a particular period of time, say between 1pm and 9pm or whatever works best with your schedule. I couldn't do that myself, but many people don't really feel hungry in the mornings anyway so they find it works for them to be able to eat a larger meal in the evening instead. (You still have to stay within your daily calorie goal, but you can have bigger meals this way which can help reduce the tendency for evening snacking.)